View Full Version : Churny Tummy & Heart Burn

25-05-05, 13:36
Hello all you lovely peeps

Query really, had some churny tum issues this last week. I seem to blow up like a balloon if anxios, my tummy swells and sounds like a drum - most bizarre (if anyone has watched Nemo - Rob has started calling me bloat after the puffa fish that does not do stress and blows up whenever anything happens...LOL:D)

I get lots of tummy noises which causes burps (nice) but not really acid reflux. I have noticed though that I get a burning feeling on the inside of my left shoulder blade, right where your heart would be - do you think this is heartburn, can it be felt in the back instead of the chest?

Had some Gavison today which seems to be working?

Thanks guys - safety in number and all that[8D]

25-05-05, 13:43
Hey Angie,

That sounds exactly like heartburn to me. When i have bad indigestion/heartburn i get the same burning near my shoulder.

I too use gaviscon, and if you find that its working, then i would say thats exactly what it is!

I don't have the swollen tum, but my mum does whenever she is anxious, and she has the same burps- (nice!!), !

Hope that helps??!

tracy x x

25-05-05, 14:14
Run out of rennies ?

Yes - heartburn sounding.

25-05-05, 14:42
Sounds like heartburn - I get it a lot :D

25-05-05, 17:29
Ditto to that too, I have a BIG bottle of gaviscon and have rennies for when out. I seem to get phases of bloaty gas and heart burn and then it can go for months.

Mark x

25-05-05, 21:08
Hi Angie,

I totally understand the bloating thing hun! I am the Queen of the bloats! LOL

I get bloated everyday at some point my hubby calls me Puffa Fish Pip's I know how horrid it is.

I went to the Drs about it and he was convinced I was pregnant even though I told him I wasn't he even got a machine out to listen for the invisible babies heartbeat as I was so bloated. In the end it's been diagnosed as I.B.S but like you say if i'm stressed or feeling anxious it does bloat right out so get it pretty much everyday! LOL Like you my tummy has such a great conversation with itself its so noisey at times.

Glad the Gaviscon working. It defo sounds like heartburn.

Hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


25-05-05, 22:15

I totally appreciate how you feel, sometimes i can have a cuppa soup and feel like i have eaten a four course meal and the rest, i dont understand why i feel like that but at the moment it is very common. I also suffer from heart burn a lot and take gavilast tablets every night as it really hurts but now the relief they give me seems to have died down a bit.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

26-05-05, 12:43
Hi all

Thank you for your replies, you know it just sounds less mad coming from someone else:D

I had two teaspoons of Gaviscon before bed last night and had the best nights sleep I have had in a long time. So much so that I am knackered this morning...how does that work?

Anyhow, I am leaving in half an hour for France, bit nervous, so far this morning I have had ear buzzing, ear ache, jaw ache, throat lump, shoulder pain and random stabbing head pains...ALL getting the ignoring treatment:D

Take care everyone - see you in a week...Angie