View Full Version : Thankyou

Ian Scott
23-09-08, 22:54
Hi all,
I am 45 and have just recently (mon 22nd sept) been released from hospital after suffering two strokes (Infarct) in quick succession whilst playing football on thursday 11th sept (Ironically a hospital fundraiser) my entire left side just stopped working instantly whilst bloodclots blocked the supply to the brain, after 90 seconds of agony and loss of speech the flow of blood re-routed and although the brain was left scarred in two areas at the front I have made an almost complete recovery and confounded Doctors as to the cause having had exhaustive tests and examinations as an in-patient MRI, CT Scan, Echocardiograph all proving totally inconclusive, low cholestral levels , no furring or restriction of the arteries.Instead I have been told I am of the very low percentage of un-diagnosed stroke victims.
The legacy that has developed since two days after the strokes are anxiety attacks (all the standard symptoms) at first I thought each attack was going to be another stroke and so the cycle began. Prior to the strokes and again let me re-iterate how good my re-covery physically has been in fact I return hopefully to work next week , MIND PERMITTING, I had been illness free for just about all my life, I am married with four amazing children and we have always been a sporty active family.
The anxiety was treated with Diazapan in hospital with Tamazipan at night to aid sleeping (I dont normally even take paracetomol or any medication I'm quite Anti-medicine) I sought help from my GP today hoping for some sort of therapeutic help and told them I would not be trying to control these episodes with horrible addictive substances, however she prescribed Citalopram which after online research I wont be taking either.
I have discovered your site and think it has been heaven sent, I thank you for it and feel convinced it is my best chance of some relief and return to normal life. I look forward with great anticipation and hope the opportunity to draw on and help if I can people in similar circumstances.


Ian Scott

23-09-08, 23:08

Wow what a story that bloody terrible. I am so sorry to hear of the awful time you have been having.
I read your post & actually thought Nickie & you worry that your having a tough time. I too suffer with HA (health anxiety) & it was triggered by an illness- labrynthitis, so completely understand how you are feeling.

I have researched health anxiety and its most normally triggered by a illness. I have good & bad days which i am sure you are having too....
I would like to offer you some advice but at the moment i am still yet to figure out how to get rid of it myself & therefore im not much help, despite this i have a lot of empathy...
This site is fantastic, its great for reassurance as others know how you are feeling & give you great advice on your problems!!

Welcome to NMP, i hope it helps you.


24-09-08, 09:36
Hi ian,

A big welcome to nmp.
My best mates son at 21 had the same thing happen to him, he has made a full recovery now, and like you all the tests came back the same as yours. I think when something happens like that out of the blue its a real shock to the mind aswell as the body, you just need some time to come to terms with what happened.

best wishes

di xx

24-09-08, 09:50
Hi Ian and :welcome: to NMP,
your story sure puts my problems into perspective. You've had a tough time and you'v done amazing with your recovery (probably due to the fact that you are a sporty person). Well done and I hope that your anxiety starts to subside as i think you have suffered anough already. Take care x

Ian Scott
24-09-08, 12:42
To everyone,

milly jones
24-09-08, 15:26
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush:

Ian Scott
24-09-08, 19:50
Thankyou for your message,its good to talk and that in itself is help. The more I look and read through peoples experiences on this site , the more I feel humbled and determined. Thanks again......lets all get strong together.
