View Full Version : Punctuation. Does it help?

24-09-08, 01:42
some people make a long and heartfelt post about their problems without ever using any punctuation and it makes it very difficult to read their post i mean they dont use capital letters or full stops or commas or anything so it is difficult to know where one sentence ends and the next one begins it is like they are talking in one long continuous stream without taking a breath or using any inflection to denote a pause or context do other people find this difficult to follow and just give up trying to read it all why do you think people dont bother using punctuation is it because they were never taught it or just too lazy to use it or they dont know how difficult it is to read a long nonstop paragraph that doesn't make sense without any punctuation its like that sentence eats shoots and leaves that can have totally different meanings depending where you put the punctuation and it shows how important punctuation is and why it is taught at school so come on people use punctuation to make your posts make more sense when being read dont even get me started on wn ppl us txt spk in thr ltrs 2 thr m8s & u cnt rd wot v msg mns

24-09-08, 02:21
Kendo lol.

This is 'NoMorePanic' site, not 'NoMorePanic as long as you are grammatically correct'!!! Dude have a heart! Do you think when someone is anxious or depressed & trying to get help here that they are thinking "Did I spell that right?" "Do I need a comma there?" "Should I start a new paragraph?" Oh please!!!!!!!!!

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

24-09-08, 02:30
I guess when people are feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed, it is easy to give up and 'not care' about a lot of things. Why bother having a wash, or brushing my teeth? Why bother wearing clean clothes? Why bother answering the phone or the door?

Yes, it is easy to 'not care' when feeling anxious & depressed, but what is the best advice other people give when we feel like that?

Yeah - they tell us to go have a wash & shave, put on some clean clothes, wash the dishes. They don't say "aaah, it's ok that you haven't had a wash & shave all week, wearing same underwear for 2 weeks, and a pile of dishes in the sink, cos you are depressed so it's ok".

If you go to the doctor and babble on going nineteen to the dozen for 10 mins without taking a breath, the doctor is gonna say "calm down, take a deep breath, and tell me slowly".

OK, I can understand if someone never learned at school how to read & write, but otherwise, there's just no excuse for no punctuation.:lac::shades:

24-09-08, 02:31
some people make a long and heartfelt post about their problems without ever using any punctuation and it makes it very difficult to read their post i mean they dont use capital letters or full stops or commas or anything so it is difficult to know where one sentence ends and the next one begins it is like they are talking in one long continuous stream without taking a breath or using any inflection to denote a pause or context do other people find this difficult to follow and just give up trying to read it all why do you think people dont bother using punctuation is it because they were never taught it or just too lazy to use it or they dont know how difficult it is to read a long nonstop paragraph that doesn't make sense without any punctuation its like that sentence eats shoots and leaves that can have totally different meanings depending where you put the punctuation and it shows how important punctuation is and why it is taught at school so come on people use punctuation to make your posts make more sense when being read dont even get me started on wn ppl us txt spk in thr ltrs 2 thr m8s & u cnt rd wot v msg mns

ok here is my attempt

Some people, make a long and heartfelt post about their problems without ever using any punctuation, it makes it very difficult to read (their post I mean). They dont use capital letters or full stops or commas or anything!

So it is difficult to know where one sentence ends and the next one begins. It is like they are talking in one long continuous stream without taking a breath or using any inflection to denote a pause or context. Do other people find this difficult to follow? and "as a result" just give up trying to read it all?

Why do you think people dont bother using punctuation? Is it because they were never taught it, or just too lazy to use it, or they don't know how difficult it is to read a long nonstop paragraph that doesn't make sense without any punctuation?

It's like that sentence "pandas just eats shoots and leaves" that can have totally different meanings depending where you put the punctuation. It shows how important punctuation is and why it is taught at school.

So come on people, use punctuation to make your posts make more sense when being read. Don't even get me started on,,,,,, wn ppl us txt spk in thr ltrs 2 thr m8s & u cnt rd wot v msg mns...(sorry completely didn't get that las bit.... must be an age thing.

How'd I score????

24-09-08, 02:41
ok here is my attempt

How'd I score????

Not bad... now, can you go through all the other threads..... :roflmao::yesyes:

24-09-08, 02:50

Don't trash the people on here just because you feel bad yourself. This is obvious because I haven't seen any posts like this from you before.

If you don't like what you see, then don't bother to try and read it. OK????!!!

Quote: "When you're already down on the ground, you can't pick up nothing but dirt".

Now go to bed, perhaps you'll be in a better frame of mind tomorrow.

24-09-08, 03:00

I'm not 'trashing' anyone, and I'm not the one making any sort of personal attack. I'm just making a light-hearted point that when people make a post asking for support, it would make it easier (especially for people who may not read as well as others) to make the post more readable, so that others can read it and give the support asked for.

As far as the advice "If you don't like what you see, then don't bother to try and read it. OK????!!!" That works both ways.

24-09-08, 05:12
I do agree that it is so much easier to read a post that is separated into some form of paragraphs and that uses punctuation.

I am horrible at spelling and grammar but the computerese lingo is way beyond my comprehension so if that is ever in a post I wouldn't even be able to begin to understand what was being said!!

I honestly don't think that this thread was meant to be a slam only to make a rather valid point that the easier a post is to read the more input the contributor will receive in the way of replies :)


Cathy V
24-09-08, 07:29
Yes must admit ive had to concentrate really hard sometimes to read posts without punctuation. The one liners are ok, but the paragraphs can be difficult to understand. I do also realise that if you're in the middle of a panic you might not be thinking too clearly when you're typing, but equally, alot of the ppl reading it are also in a state of high anx and might also find it difficult to concentrate on it, and might just pass on by..:shrug:

Cathy xxx :)

24-09-08, 08:21
Kendo I am with you there chap. I don't expect people to post in exact written English but as soon as I see a long post with no paragraphs, punctuation etc I don't even bother reading it, it's too much like hard work.

As for the txt speak? forget it, if you can't type in English I am not going to sit through the post trying to peice together what it is saying.

I don't go in for all this "excuses excuses" about how people (of a certain age) rely on txt speak. OK it has it's place to be used on mobile phones but to use in in the everyday written word? well I hope they don't have to fill in any goverment forms.

Just my opinion ;)

24-09-08, 09:02
I agree; if I see a long post with no paragraphs I tend to leave it. As Jaco said I don't expect brilliant English as often posters are not able to concentrate for long enough to correct, but the odd paragraph break makes it easier for people to read.


Granny Primark
24-09-08, 09:11
I must admit that if I see a long post with no paragraphs in I dont read it.
The spelling or lack of punctuation doesnt bother me.

24-09-08, 10:06
My writing skills are atrocious, I try to improve myself by learning from other how they post. When posting I find it very difficult to make each sentence follow another, so it's readable. Not sure if I'm dyslexic or not, but it's hard work for my put together a post that people can easily read. But I keep trying :).


24-09-08, 10:45
haha i am probably one of those people, so i will try harder in future to make myself clearer, although i like my text chat so that won't stop.

hugs kendo xxxx

24-09-08, 10:51
I am dyslexic mildy Tom, I constantly have to read what I type before I post it. And god knows what I would do without spell checker when I do qoutes.

I have a problem with getting vowels the wrong way around, and it was never picked up until I left school.

Funny enough, my wee girl was putting stars on her toys with prices on pretending she was in a shop. My wife brought a star down with ddq on it. Instantly I seen 99p and that's the price she meant, so we are having her tested for it now.

That said, I am more miffed at lazy typing and txt typing. I mean this txt speak is tosh, it's like talking to a chav, save it for the X factor and Jeremy Kyle ;)

Cathy V
24-09-08, 10:59
....dnt u no bout r donna thn jacko? shes numba 1 chav...am i bovverd? :D

24-09-08, 11:01
Cathy you've made my day! lol

24-09-08, 11:02
lmao i guess i am chav then, oh well i can live with that haha, face bothered

Cathy V
24-09-08, 11:04
....luv ya babes :noangel: xxxx

24-09-08, 11:15
lol Cathy, I have heard of the only gay in the village, but the only chav in Germany? ;)

Cathy V
24-09-08, 11:39
:D :D

24-09-08, 11:41
I'll admit that bad punctuation annoys me too, but I know on one level it's not people's fault: it's just not taught in schools any more. Young'uns aren't expected to be able to spell and punctuate and express themselves clearly.

It's nothing to do with intelligence, it's just education and expectations. The Americans who post here generally express themselves much better than the British because they're taught to in school.

I don't generally read posts written in text speak or without punctuation. I figure that the other people who don't care about these things will read them and respond.

I'm afraid my gut feeling is that making no attempt to help others understand your thoughts is rude. It's not a question of writing perfect English, just making some attempt to communicate effectively and showing respect for the reader.

24-09-08, 11:53
I agree''''., we :should all''''use?more puncturation.....

24-09-08, 12:09
OK, I can understand if someone never learned at school how to read & write, but otherwise, there's just no excuse for no punctuation.:lac::shades:

Forgive me if i am wrong, but i thought the 'correct' grammar here would be using the word LEARNT. Maybe i'm wrong, it has been known!

Anyway, i am not fussed about punctuation, text talk and quick spelling bugs me more.

24-09-08, 12:11
LOL, hang on, is lol text? everyone will be scared to post anything soon for fear of it being pulled to shreds ;)

24-09-08, 12:16
You should have had a comma after soon (I think)

24-09-08, 13:01
:D kendo hun u av started the war of the words :roflmao: , mind u it has made me giggle.

Cathy V
24-09-08, 13:15
Donna pmsl, but please dont ask me to write that out in full ok?

24-09-08, 13:38
lmfao ok, but dont ask me to write that in full either hahaha

24-09-08, 17:15
Forgive me if i am wrong, but i thought the 'correct' grammar here would be using the word LEARNT. Maybe i'm wrong, it has been known!

Anyway, i am not fussed about punctuation, text talk and quick spelling bugs me more.

Aha... you have picked up on something that I have had many a debate over.

Apparently, Learnt is more common in British English, and Learned is more common in American English. There are a number of verbs of this type (dream, kneel, lean, leap, spell, spill, etc.). They are all irregular verbs, and this is a part of their irregularity. The same is true of “burned” and “burnt”, but with “spoiled” and “spoilt” it’s the other way round; and “spelled” and “spelt” are about equally common.

24-09-08, 19:08
New one for me!
I've never heard anyone use spelt or learnt in my life!!

Sometimes the little differences in language between the UK and the US really surprise me.

24-09-08, 19:35
Well, I'm totally gobsmacked at the people agreeing with Kendo.

I was sticking up for the people who don't know about punctation etc.

Wow I'm totally confused at what this site is about now:ohmy:

Perhaps I'm at the wrong place?!

24-09-08, 19:50
People can type how and what they like, but if it's one massive block of text, or full of wud, ltr, m8, guna etc, I ain't reading it ;)

Opinions, we all got them :)

24-09-08, 19:54
I suppose we all have different views on different matters but please lets not lose focus on why we are here. We are here to gain support and help and to help each other.

Please lets not make this post into a debate as people will only get upset.


milly jones
24-09-08, 20:00
i guess im one of those that kendo is talking about

i rarely use punctuation, i use text speak sometimes, and i dont check my spelling or grammar

i was a teacher, and when i was working everything i published was perfect

after my breakdown, life is much more of a slow pace and learning to accept my words were incorrect has been a hard lesson to learn

im much more relaxed about posting and dont scrutenise each post anymore

just a different point of view

milly xx

24-09-08, 20:03
I couldnt answere a post today because i couldnt read it! but when i am having a panic attack I cant type as my hands are shaking an it will look like this "ahhh crrraaappp iiimmm aaavvviiin" ha ha

24-09-08, 20:12

Well said Lisa I agree we are all here to help each other.


24-09-08, 20:53
The thing is this was intended to be a lighthearted post not one that was slamming anyone for the way that they write.
I realize that we all have issues that cause us to be more sensitive to certain things but please let's take this thread in the manner it was intended.


24-09-08, 21:43
hiya i know kendo wouldnt have meant this in a insensitive way and alot of us have had a abit of a giggle, i can see kendos point though and im sure its made us all think about it.

but yes it was meant in a light heated way and kendo hugs hun xxxxxxx