View Full Version : In need of surport!

24-09-08, 10:54
Hello! My name is Marie, I'm a mother of two a girl whose 4 and a boy whose 19months.
I've recently been diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks, although I've probably had them a while but I never knew what it was.
Over the past few months they've got pretty bad and I'm more scared of having a panic attack then anything else.
I seem to have different symptoms the main one that makes me really scared our like having a rush felling through my body, its like all the colour going out of me! I go pale and my pulse starts racing.
I had a bad one last week. It started as a ace in the back of my neck then I had a warm feeling rush through my body from my head to my bum, I was in the back of a car going to work and it wasn't expected.
I nearly had to ask my work mate to stop the car, I just had to get out!
I've had neck ace ever since.
I have other panic attacks mainly in the night where I've been tight chested, my throat feels as though its swelled up and I feel as though I'm not taking in enough oxygen in.
Others start with the rush feeling, my pulse starts racing and then I start having the shakes.
I've been on some tablets called Citalopram but they started to make me worse, I'm now on some tablets called Sertraline which our helping a little.
My doctor thinks I'm coping pretty well considering how bad I have it, but I cope by trying to distract myself and I my faith in God!

I really would like to hear from anyone who also has these rush feelings, I've read all the leaflets from the doctors but they never mention them.
Its these symptoms that scare me the most.:scared15:

I'm new to No More Panic, but I look forward to any surport and advice anyone can give.

Thankyou! from a mother trying to cope!!!!!

24-09-08, 11:37
HEY HUN...welcome to nmp...i sufferwith the same as you and i am gradually getting better...i am so scared ofall of my symptoms to hun its natural..you will find alot of help and support here.....good luck on your road to recovery...pm me if you need a chat hun anytime...take care.....xxxxxxxxxxxx:welcome: :bighug1:

24-09-08, 12:00
Hi and welcome :)

There is nothing easy about being a mother and trying to cope with children. My 'problems' started during pregnancy, so i've brought up my son (who is 10 next month), through a state of panic attacks and anxiety.

It sounds like you are moving in the right direction..


milly jones
24-09-08, 15:22
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush:

25-09-08, 22:07
Thankyou to everyone thats welcomed me!
I really appreciate it and I'm very touched by all the messages!

25-09-08, 22:14
Hi Belle!
Thanks for your message!
I'm struggling to get up in the morning! I wake to my pulse racing!
I've not yet got my daughter to school on time yet! and this morning having had a night of my son crying I really struggled to get up.
I had to shout across the road to a neighbour to ask her to take Lily to school for me. Does it get any easier???

25-09-08, 22:45
I see you have faith in God, lean on him, he is a rock and only wants the best for those that believe in him. I couldn't make it without my faith.
God bless.

26-09-08, 13:08
Hi Mazza,

Welcome to NMP!

Yes, I have had the rushes. I get them when I get a tight squeezing sensation in my chest....it is totally terrifying.

I also used to get a wierd 'electrical' rush through my uppper body and head when falling asleep. Thankfully, I haven't had any of those for a couple of weeks, as they are equally distressing!

Glad that you found us here at NMP. You will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

26-09-08, 15:50
I do know the rush you are talking about. Like electrical currents pulsing through your body. I have tried explaining it to the psychiatrist but he just changes my meds. I know that seroquel causes some of this. Let us know if you get any answers as to what it might be.

26-09-08, 16:15
When I described the 'electrical rushes' to my best mate, he told me that it's purely down to anxiety.

He had them for a while each time he was nodding off to sleep for a period of a few weeks. It coincided with the stress of moving house...when he had settled in to the new place, the strange rushes stopped!

Since he told me this, I worry less about them, and that are much less frequent now (I used to fear going to bed because of them, but now I seem to be sleeping really well).

29-09-08, 00:02
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x