View Full Version : Supposed to be taking my little Dog (Molly) to be spayed Friday!

24-09-08, 12:18
Oh Please can i have a moan:weep: .

Im supposed to be taking Molly to the vets on Friday to be spayed but im so worried about it.

My little dog is so spoilt and its breaking my heart thinking i am going to have her suffering in pain with stitches etc.:weep:

I just dont no what to do. I have rang the vets and she was real nice explaining what would happen but then scared me by saying we have to sign a consent form? What does that mean? incase she dies under the anesetic?

I told my husband i cant go with him to take her i will be in tears ! my husband says he dosnt like taking her either and i know it will upset him too.

do you think its nessasary to have her spayed? we dont want to breed from her. I just cant bear to think she will be in pain, she is so soft.

She is running about this morning pinching slippers and socks..lol shes so funny and sweet.

Do you think i should cancel?

24-09-08, 12:58
I know what you mean Honeybee, it really upsets me when I have to take my dog to the vets. There's always a slight risk with anaesthesia - very rare - so vets like to protect themselves with a consent forms. My dogs been under anaesthetic twice now and he's been OK. I guess we just have to trust them with our loved pets if an operation is necessary.


24-09-08, 13:27
Hi Honeybee
A few years ago I had an appointment at the vets to have my dog castrated - the vet refused to do it, and he asked me how I would have felt if someone had cut my b*lls off when I was a teenager - I have never left anywhere so quickly and so embarassed.
My wife ended up taking him to another vet (she was the one having the problem with him - you know the leg thing !!!) - he was only groggy for a day and then was fine - so I think in the long term you will be doing your Molly a favour by having it done now
Good Luck

24-09-08, 13:41
hi andrea
i know exactley what you are going through hun. when hannah had to have her anal glands removed i was so worried and afraid like you. i would cry everyday thinking about the surgery.
having a dog spayed protects them from getting mammory cancer in later years and also a very bad infection called pyometria which can be fatal. i know you are upset hun but they do this surgery everday and im sure your little dog will do just fine. i really never heard of any horror storys of any thing happening to a dog that has been spayed. dont worry andrea everthing will turn out just fine.
love debera:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

24-09-08, 13:54
Hi Andrea:D

Now Im probably going to get in a row for saying this but.........

If you do not allow your doggie out unsupervised why on earth would you want her spayed?????

I know that it can save this and that in the future but do we as a human race go around disenboweling ourselves "just in case":ohmy:

I have 3 male dogs and wouldent dream of having them done unless it was for medical reasons:lac:

That is my opinion for what its worth:shrug:

That said good luck in whatever you decide, Im sure Molly will be fine:yesyes:

Thinking of you

Kaz x x x:hugs:

Ps I always think if it aint broke dont fix it!!!!

24-09-08, 16:02
Hi Honey,I have to agree with Debera here,later in life a dog can get problems just like us people,but when things happen later in life the risk under aneasthetic is much greater.

One of my dogs has been castrated due to medical problems.

My partners dog has just been castrated at the age of 8 because he had an enlarged prostate.
It it hard when they have to go in for the day,but better at this age than later in life.

It is a worry but Im sure she will be fine,and she wont have any fellas chasing after her!!!!!!!!:yesyes:

24-09-08, 16:23
Hi Andrea, please don't worry.

The consent is routine - I had to give my consent for my daughter's teeth to be taken out. I took my two boys (dogs!) at different stages to be castrated, one because he kept running away and the other because he got aggressive with his brother. They both came home the same day and after a night's sleep were fine. They were given painkillers and anti-inflammatories so were in no distress.

Two weeks ago, one of mine had a cataract operation. It was a 2 hour op and he was put in a very deep anaesthetic due to the intricate nature of the op (couldn't risk any movement at all) at a canine specialist hospital (lol). He's had 2 weeks of TLC, had a lampshade collar put on so he wouldn't rub his eye - he's now absolutely fine, surgeon was very pleased with him on Monday, and he can see again (thank God for pet insurance!!).

Let us know how you get on. I love to hear stories about other people's pets as my own are so special to me (how sad am I :blush: ).

If you have real concerns do voice them to the vet.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

24-09-08, 17:28
Hi Andrea

Honestly it is a very routine op and nothing to worry about. I knnow that won't help, as I am exactly the same with my three dogs. Two boys and a girl who have all been neutered and they were all absolutely fine.

My girl had an op last Friday to remove a tumour from her head, we are awaiting the results but vet thinks it's benign. She is 8, and was a bit sleepy but fine. She had a short walk, to do toiletting when we picked her up from the vets, had a light meal of scrambled egg and went to sleep. Next day there was no stopping her, bouncing around like a two year old!!!

I'm guessing your dog is quite young, so the affects of the anesthetic are less the younger the dog is, I mean they recover much quicker afterwards.

It is routine to sign a consent form, I always worry about doing it, but things rarely go wrong. I just sign it, and pay no attention to what it is I am signing. I'm like a robot when I take mine in for an op, but it gets the job done and it's great when you get to pick them up. You can spoil them rotten with lots of TLC.

Please try not to worry, it'll be a long day for you waiting so plan what you are going to do to fill your time in. Don't just sit by the phone watching the clock. Do something, preferably outdoors, so you can't dwell. Go for a walk or something but being in the house without the dog can be hard, I find getting out anywhere is best.

Let me know how you get on with things. Try to go to the vets with her if you can because it'll give you chance to ask anything if you want to. The nurse will probably take her from you, don't look back or hesitate, the dog will pick up on it, just walk away. Cry your eyes out when you get outside but try to be calm in the vets as it's better for her. I know that bits really hard, but it'll be over in a flash and the vets are really good at dealing with these things, they do it every day, they are experts. Trust them, and keep busy when she in.

She be absolutely fine, honest. She'll soon be pinching socks again.

24-09-08, 18:46
Thanks ever so much everyone for your replies:hugs:

Andrea its good to know your dog is doing well and all your other pets have been fine after thier operations. I can imagine now how you all felt before your doggies went to the vets for surgery it is a worrying time and been a anxiety sufferer dosnt help.

Kazzie i was advised like Debbie stated that it was best to have her spayed by the vet but when the time comes around its not a easy decision. Its not only the risk of illnesss later in life, she as already had one season and like i say she is spoilt rotten by my family she sleeps on my daughters bed and dribbles all over the place in the house which as you will understand isnt nice.

I have to say though Kazz, my husband thinks what you suggested too.

Now if i had to tell him to get castrated i wouldnt be half as worried !!lol But when it comes to my best friend(Molly) now its a different story !(im awfull aint i)

Anyway, i still cant make my mind up i will make a decision tommo and let you know.

Thanks alot everyone
:hugs: :hugs:

24-09-08, 19:05
hiya honeybee

i just wanted to say if you did not want her to have the op and stitches then you can get it done every few months with a little injection i am going to take my dog for it as i dont want him to have the op
you can allways ask your vet about it ?
if not then try not to worry i am sure it will all go just fine just think how many dogs get it done day in day out hun

jodie x:hugs: x

24-09-08, 19:08
Thanks Jodie:hugs:

Do they do that for girl dogs too? if so i will enquire tommo.


24-09-08, 19:11

im not to sure i think so i know they are going to for us with our male dog but hey its worth asking ,it might cost more in the long run as you have to have it dose every few months but i think it is worth it just so he dose not have to have a op! call them and ask ,let me know what they say

jodie xxx

24-09-08, 19:15
Ok Jodie

Thanks hun, will let you know.


milly jones
24-09-08, 20:05
i have 2 labradors, both have been spayed

when they had their season they were in the house for 3 weeks to prevent pregnancy. it was very messy around the house with one of the bitches.

i found the time extremely anxious in case one of them got caught.

the operation is a big one, but i think necessary if ur not going to breed from her

there is also i believe a lower risk of mammary tumours after the op.

the dogs soon recover and in 2 months time ud never know it had taken place

go for it for her sake. and ur peace of mind

milly xx

24-09-08, 21:57
Are unspayed dogs more prone to uterine cancer? I don't know anything about dogs but do know that female rabbits are very likely to get uterine cancer if unspayed.

I've had 2 cats and my 2 rabbits spayed and they are really only in a bit of discomfort for a couple of days. Ask your vet for pain relief after the op :D


24-09-08, 22:04
getting her sprayed will also prevent her from getting certain types of cancer. i dunno about dogs but an unsprayed cat will go into heat every 2 weeks! my cat looked like she was in pain when she went into heat!

26-09-08, 09:22
Thanks guys:hugs: :hugs:

Well she should have been at the vets this morning, i spent all last night blubbering(my daughter too) and i just couldnt face her having to go for a operation.:weep: So my husband rang and cancelled.

I dont usually google but i did last night to find out that the mortality risk for small dogs (my dog is very small) under anestheia is slightly higher than big dogs. So that freaked me out too!

Anyway at least i can stop worrying now.

Thanks everyone,

Love from Andrea and Molly


26-09-08, 12:47
Andrea you shouldnt have googled:lac:

My partner has a chiahuahau(cant spell it):blush: cross poodle and he is tiny.He also has breathing problems.They put him under last week to castrate him and he was fine.They dont sedate them to deeply and watch them all the time.

You can have a relaxing day now,and the picture is super,she is so cute.:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

26-09-08, 13:16
aww andrea what a sweet little dog
love debera:bighug1: :bighug1:

26-09-08, 20:01
What A cutie:D

Im happy that you took time to consider and followed your heart:hugs:

One of those things where everyone had different opinions and Im sorry if mine upset anyone:blush:

Love to You and Molly:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs: