View Full Version : Hi

24-09-08, 12:35
Hi everyone,
Have been looking at the forum for a week or so now but have only just been brave enough to join! Been feeling anxious for about 6 weeks now and been on Citalopram for about 5 weeks. Not sure if it's working yet though!

24-09-08, 12:53
hi daisy
:welcome: nmp is the best anxiety website online.i have been helped by many of the good folks here,and im sure you will find the same
love and kind wishes
ade xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:flowers:

24-09-08, 12:58
Thanks ade,

I know I've just got to hang in there but sometimes its really hard when all you want to do is go to bed for a month until you feel better! This site is really good though and everyone seems to help each other - its probably just what I need.

24-09-08, 13:05
hiya daisey and welcome to nmp, this site has really helped me loads and im sure you will benefit loads too, you will find great support here and make new friends too. hugs xxx

24-09-08, 13:54
Hey daisymaisy! My best advice for not getting out of bed (something I go through pretty much every day.. isn't it horrible!) is think of a really good outfit you have in your wardrobe, your favourite one, and then try and get up and wear it. Once I'm dressed I find doing things doesn't seem such hard work...
Also, try putting on some feel good music, something which when you're happy you sing along to, that helps me a bit too :)
Oh, welcome, by the way :) XXX

milly jones
24-09-08, 15:19
a warm :welcome: to nmp

glad u decided to join us

love from

milly xxxx:blush: