View Full Version : I hate leaving my little boy

24-09-08, 15:17
I recently went back to work after spending two years at home with my baby. I opted for evening work as it suits us better for childcare and we don't have to depend too much on family to look after our little boy. However i do have to drop him off with family at 3.30pm and then my partner picks him up around 6pm when he finishes work. Another reason for working evenings was so that i can spend my day with my little boy and we could do things together. It's not quite turned out that way though. I spend all day anxious and wound up, knowing that i am going to have to leave him in the evening. It doesnt help that he cries and clings to me and i can hear him shouting after me. It hurts so much as he is a happy and confident little boy but he now fears me leaving the room. He has become so clingy. One afternoon a week he goes to nursery for five hours and he screams and screams when i leave him. I get myself into such a state on the days that i am working and it makes me feel ill (health anxiety). I know that it will do him good to spend time apart from me but i think he realises that he isnt going to see me until the next day (as he is in bed when i get home) and i hate for him to think i am neglecting him. We end up spending our days sat around doing nothing as i can only think about how it will be when i leave him. Grrrrrrr, i am so annoyed with myself as i feel like i waste 4 days of the week. As anyone got any advice or can you simply give me a kick up the bum....................thanks!

Hope 2
24-09-08, 16:00
Hi Pink P

I so know how this feels, it hurts and we feel cruel. Please be reassured your little one is fine. I bet he is going thru the old seperation anxiety, my little girl went thru it and I think most babies do. It shows you have a healthy bond with him, you make him feel secure. It just takes time, he will soon catch on that whem mummy leaves him, she Always comes back. You have no need to feel guilty, he is fine and is just learning about how things are hun. He will settle. Take comfort you have been there 24/7 since he was born. I work evenings and can relate to the anx during the day.

Take it easy, try and chill about it and enjoy the time with him
Julia xx

24-09-08, 22:00
Thanks Julia, your words were very reassuring. I am going to try and relax more and try and take my mind off this anxiety. I know that his time at nursery will do him good and that i just need chill out. Thanks, have a hug:hugs: .

Natural Mystic
26-09-08, 12:49
I am a mother and I can tell you that it's good for both of you to have time apart. It will also help with your child's confidence