View Full Version : Why does this happen

24-09-08, 15:19
I used to be such a happy healthy person, what has gone wrong, going back 4 months ago i was sat at my desk at work and had a really bad pain down my back, and then found it hard to breath, went to the doctors put me on antibiotics ok for one day and then one it hard to breath restriction in throat sore throat, back to doctors nothing wrong, problem still went on ended going to walk in centre nothing wrong but stress she said, i thought throat cance, would lay in bed crying was due to go on holiday go to the point where i just wanted to cancel it not like me i love my holidays, mum took me back to doctors (i am married but just wanted me mum) doctor put me on antidepressant floxitine but made me worse, back to doctors again told me acid reflux put me on more tablets, then my legs started hurting really bad back to doctors again sent me for thyroid blood test and scan all ok, I am sorry to waffle on, went on holiday just managed to get on plane, throat a lot better but now constantly clearing throat and still have legs pains, back to doctor gave me pain killers no difference, and sending for a chest xray but doesn,t think any thing will show, like every one else I google symptoms and so scarred that it could be lukimia, but the blood test would have shown something up wouldn,t it i keep convincing my self everything will be ok, but am in pain just want to get back to being me.

At the beginning of the year my husbands mum was diagnosed with hunntingtons and was in hospital, when I went to visit her one night (i walked in talking away to her and she had died, so I have been coping with all this and I wonder if my health problems relate to this what to you think

Sorry for going on but no one understands:scared15:

Cathy V
24-09-08, 15:43
Well we understand. welcome to nmp brandy. Yes it does sound like it could be related to the trauma of what happened to your mum-in-law. Sorry you lost her in this way, that must have been awful. Grief can do strange things and people deal with it in different ways. I think if youve held on to your feelings about this then the grief has manifested as pain in your body. Youve also become aware of your health and how you feel and your anxiety keep it all going.

With the help of people on here who feel the same, im sure you will begin to get through it. Grief takes times to work through, and it will take time for you to accept that its anxiety thats playing tricks on your body.

Cathy xxx :welcome:

Cathy V
24-09-08, 15:46
Sorry brandy, thought you were a new member but just noticed that you joined back in june! :blush:

24-09-08, 15:52
Hi yes reg. in June seams like a long time ago when you don,t feel great and not yourself, if only someone could say this will last a couple of months at least you could see an end to it but heah this is life