View Full Version : help me pls

celia davies
24-09-08, 16:52
Im walking around trying 2 calm down my hearts racing i feel weird is there something wrong with my heart cause i can feel it pounding ,will this damage my heart if it keeps racing like this

24-09-08, 16:53
hi it wont damage it mines going mad aswell atm , it even wakes me in night like it , are you having a pa?

celia davies
24-09-08, 16:56
no pain but more of an ache in my chest,why does it jst do this wen im not even panicing about anythink

24-09-08, 17:00
i know its horrible when it just appears for no reason , out of the blue but you need to try and not think the worse i know thats easier said than done stupid anxiety rears its head anytime night or day

celia davies
24-09-08, 17:05
I jst dont understand it anymore i went my friends 2 day 4 a cup of tea that makes me anxious drinkin tea but i like it wat am a ment 2 do i feel like i hav 2 giv up everythin how can we beat this? why is death such a scary thing ay xx

Cathy V
24-09-08, 17:44
If you know the tea gives you a racing heart then maybe its time to swop to decaffinated.....:D xxx

24-09-08, 18:06

NO it won't dammage your heart! If it's beating like that then it sounds like a health heart to me hun, afraid just the dreaded anxiety again.

Hope you feel better soon

Love Lisa