View Full Version : For the Better

25-05-05, 22:40
Doing that post about how i struggle with Sam and all the great replies i go, noone judged me and that has being my biggest fear. Well it has made me view life in such a different way. I was due back at work on Friday and i didnt feel too anxious, but now after speaking to my doctor although my sick note ran out on Thur 12th May i didnt see him until Tues 17th May and he signed me off for 2 weeks from then, he made a note on the sick note about the missing days so now i am not due back until 2 weeks from the 17th which will mean next Wednesday and not this Friday.

Previously i had spoken to work and i was due back on the Friday after 14 weeks off and was to work the Sat, Sun, Mon and the rest of the week and my next day off would have being the following Sat.

I was a little upset that they werent going to grant me a rest day as meant i would be working 50 hours in one week. But as i had misread the sick note it worked out for the better.

Was quite happy to go back but was more worried about missing the neighbours BBQs on Sat and Sun but now i dont have to so, Sam, Simon and me can have a nice chilled weekend.

I know how much better i am after that post as so many of you helped me, and that was my biggest fear being open.

I mow feel like i am nearly there, still have blips when i panic about Sam but read what everyone has replied to me. From joining this site my confidence and believe in myself has grown so much and i can only thank you all for the great support you have given me.

I am nearly back to Sal and that is what i always dreamed of and hoped for.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-05-05, 23:11
Hi Sal, I think you have done absolute brilliant and after all youve gone through, to come on here and put how good you feel, how near you are,how you are almost back to being Sal, gives hope to us all, well done and stay there, You deserve a big medal, love Alexisxxx

25-05-05, 23:20
Thanks Alexis

My biggest fear was my post about Sam and it took me over a year to do it but all i was offered was support and it made me realise that i am not alone, even though i had supported others i was still unsure if i was right how i was feeling through anxiety.

I can only carry on and get back to how i was, as i have missed the Sal i was so much, and at times i cant remember how i was, bits pass me by. But my ambition is to be me again, as i was happy and lived life to the full and i want that back, i am only half way there but i know i am on the right road and it does feel good.

Cant deny i still feel anxious and although i hate that i know it is temporary whereas before it was terminal in my eyes.

So i have moved on and on bad days i hold on to the good ones and they come back round and i am ready to be me again.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

26-05-05, 11:38
We are all trying to find answers Sal. There isn't a person in the world who has everything worked out. Most of us do things or don't do things because of fear. The biggest fears we have are of losing control, or not being "normal", when actually nobody can control everything in their lives.

You are not your past, and the future can be whatever you make it. Good luck.

"to hope till Hope creates from its own wreck the thing it contemplates"

26-05-05, 11:42
Glad you are feeling so much better Sal. No one here would judge you for anything you say. We know you are a good mum to Sam and all those thoughts are just anxiety talking.

Hope you have a really good weekend with Sam and Simon.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

26-05-05, 11:46
Hi Sal

Glad you are feeling soooooo much better and writing that post has certainly helped you big time.

Have a lovely weekend.

Take care

Elaine x

P.S May the best of your past be the worst of your future!

26-05-05, 11:56
Such good news Sal..

Keep it going.....


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

26-05-05, 11:57
Hi Sal,

ws great to read you post, very positive, you are very brave in facing your feelings, and writing them down, this has prob, helped you come to terms with them, no one would ever judge you hun,

Im so glad that you feel better for getting it out, it true what they say a problem shared,

I hope you enjoy your weekend, you deserve it,
Your a great mum and never forget that you have always put your daughters needs first,

anyway get your backside in that pub there's a drink waiting for you,

take care hun,

lots of love and a big hug xxx

kairen x

26-05-05, 18:12
Thank you for all your replies.

It has deininately made such a difference to my life putting my fears down and people helping me and understanding.

I have gained so much strength from that and finally feel i can move forward and with the knowledge knowing that we all have irrational thoughts and that i am not letting Sam down.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

26-05-05, 18:22

I am so pleased for you mate :D

Let's hope it continues to go upwards yeah?

You are doing great and I am sure that you can move forward on some issues that previously worried you so good luck for the future!



26-05-05, 18:53
Hi Sal,
So happy to hear things are ok right now, well done, you have worked hard and deserve to be happy, keep in touch darling xxxxxxxx

26-05-05, 19:45
Keep being positive Sal & you will get there in the end..:D

26-05-05, 20:19

At no point did you let Sam down. Then or now..

There may have been times when you could not personally care for her but you always made sure she was well looked after..

You are a brilliant Mum,sister and daughter despite all of whats gone on in your past.

Now it is coming to the time when you can just be Sal again, safe in the knowledge that you know you're a great person in all your vaious roles in life and if any others have an issue with it - their loss !!

Be proud , be confident and be true to yourself.


27-05-05, 09:32
Thanks Meg

Although i have suffered for a long time, i only now feel confident enough to say how i have felt and able to understand and realise that i was me throughout but needed time to realise that.

As you know it hasnt being easy and admitting how i felt about Sam was the hardest thing i have every done, but it has helped me loads, and my relationship with Sam.

Feel i have turned a corner and am safe in the knowledge that i am starting to understand it all now.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-05-05, 15:16
Hi Sal hun,

You are a FAB person!

You are doing so well hun you are so strong and I'm so proud of you.

Keep up that PMT mate it's great!

You take care remember i'm here if you need me!

Love & BIG Well done Hugs


27-05-05, 16:24
hi Sal,

I'm so happy that you feel that you have turned a corner. It sounds like you are much more confident within yourself, which is terrific!! Well done hun. You know where we are if you need us..

Sarah :D