View Full Version : Bit of a mixed bag really - ears/head/sleep....

24-09-08, 17:33
Hi, I have not been on here for a while as thought I was doing quite well, although now I am not so sure!
So, I have had this constant noise in my right ear now for a couple of weeks, the only way I can describle the noise is to that of a aeroplane in the distance or like an open fridge?? its not a ringing noise and I have also got some pain. It is driving me insane and I am thinking all sorts is wrong with me, the main one being my blood pressure is high and I am going to burst an artery or something! as I am thinking this is what the noise is? I had my ears checked by the nurse and he said that my left ear was really blocked but my right ear (the one that is playing up) looks fine!:wacko: I mentioned the blood pressure thing and he just dismissed it. Well now to top it off I fell asleep with my son earlier and I woke suddenly to find myself paralized for what felt like a minute or so - scared me out of my mind and I am thinking maybe all these symtoms are linked? The ear noise/pain, head pressure, sleep paralysis? What if something is really wrong inside my head or something, I keep thinking that the sleep paralysis was maybe a mini stroke or something. I am soooo scared. Any comments will be appreciated
Angie x

24-09-08, 18:09
If you are really worried then you should speak to your GP lovie, at least that way it will ease your mind.

Try not to worry too much as i'm sure your just fine.

Love Lisa

24-09-08, 20:42
Hi Lisa,

Thanks for your reply! I will perhaps call my GP tomorrow, again! also the thought of going to the docs and them telling me something bad terrifires me....vicious cycle really! noise still in ear and I am dreading going to bed tonight in case that paralysis thing happens again!:weep:
Angie x

25-09-08, 21:53
the fact your other ear is blocked up can certainly make your 'good' ear seems more sensitive and aware of noises. I used to suffer thi sall the time and drove me nuts but it was anxiety and it will go even now when I get stressed it will come back for a while.

25-09-08, 22:06
Hey - yes that does make sense, never thought about it that way. Still playing up and now getting other symptoms but I know they are down to me getting worked up! Thank you for that xx

25-09-08, 22:16
hi OP my mum had a thumping in her ear and its turns out to be just titanus so dont worry too much just get it checked out by your GP.

all the best