View Full Version : incapacity benefit medicals

Keep going
24-09-08, 20:01
Hi, just need some advice, if anyone can help?? on having just had a medical. Had a "dodgy" doctor and subsequently been told i cant claim incapacity benefit any more. What should i do?? also just started an appeal.


24-09-08, 21:17
did they give you reasons why you cant claim it? i get it and never had to appeal i been getting it for 5 years now ,but i go for the medical every year , if you dont mind me asking whats your problems?

24-09-08, 23:06
www.benefitsandwork.co.uk (http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk)

Have you had a look on this site because I found them very helpful when I had to have a medical assessment.

Piglet :flowers:

25-09-08, 18:29
Yes appeal, i can't see how they can refuse you if your circumstances havn't changed. Lay it on thick with the appeal it pays to go OTT with these forms.

Keep going
25-09-08, 22:12
did they give you reasons why you cant claim it? i get it and never had to appeal i been getting it for 5 years now ,but i go for the medical every year , if you dont mind me asking whats your problems?

I believe i failed it on the personal capability accessment report. the medical examiner made me feel very uncomfortable. I have social anxiety, so didnt challenge his views. so could nt be completely open about my condition.

Keep going
25-09-08, 22:14
www.benefitsandwork.co.uk (http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk)

Have you had a look on this site because I found them very helpful when I had to have a medical assessment.

Piglet :flowers:

Thanks Piglet :) have not seen this site before.

25-09-08, 22:23
I would defintely seek the help of a mental heaslth advocate who will liase and speak on you behalf at the tribunal. Try your local mind office. I was refused incapacity benefit after a medical ten years ago. It was a bad experience. Somehow they deemed me fit for work inspite of being eight months pregnant, with high blood pressure and mental health problems!!! I hope you have a more positive experience.

26-09-08, 02:51
Hi Stu:)

You've got my sympathy. These medical examinations terrify me. I had one about five years ago and it was humiliating to say the least.

I'm due for a review in December which I'm not looking forward to. Like so many people I keep my Depression and Anxiety well hidden. I'm also economical with the truth so, like you, I might feel intimidated or even too embarrassed to mention my Social Phobia or the fact that I feel so frightened of going out into the street or dealing with problems and will take to my bed and wish the world away.

I know the Government are trying to reduce the numbers on Incapacity Benefit but I wish they would exercise a little more care over how they go about it. They are in danger of making some vulnerable people very ill (myself included) by adding to their general payload of worries and anxieties.:weep:

I can't offer much advice except to say in your case except carry on with your appeal and mention the reasons which you couldn't explain to the Doctor as outlined in your original post.

Have you tried your local Citizen's Advice Bureau? Maybe your local MIND office could help or your CMHT if you are known to them.

Thanks to Piglet for providing the link to the 'Benefits And Work' Site.:)

Best Wishes

26-09-08, 03:05
Hi Stu

I sympathise with the situation you find yourself in. I too have social phobia and find it difficult to express myself verbally at times, particularly in official situations. The whole process can be very daunting and it can be hard to get across just how severe your problems are.

I agree with Allan about approaching the Citizens Advice Bureau. I did this last year when I needed my DLA reassessed due to a deterioration in my problems. At the time I found it impossible to go out and a representative came to see me at home and went through all the forms with me. I am sure they will be able to help you prepare for the appeal, especially explaining the difficulties the social phobia cause you. You might find someone from the Bureau will be able to accompany you to the appeal - I presume it is a tribunal?

Failing that an advocate from somewhere like Mind might be able to help.

I hope this is resolved for you as soon as possible as it is the last person someone with anxiety needs to face. I've only been through one appeal but that was a few years ago and related to a physical disability but the original medical report was overturned and my benefit reinstated. So don't give up hope.

Karen xx

milly jones
26-09-08, 14:49
ty piglet

guess im going down the ib root soon

love the dog pix

mill xx

26-09-08, 15:27
Some of the doctors that do these medicals are right pigs. When on incapacity I had to go for a medical - with my back. The doctor yanked my right leg up while I was laid down. The pain was excruciating. I called him all the %>*&$ under the sun and nearly chined him. I'm sure he did on purpose.


Keep going
01-10-08, 19:49
Thanks peeps for all your kind responses :yesyes:. Will see how it goes..


01-10-08, 21:12
Yes please do! :shades: :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

01-10-08, 22:08
Dont give in. I contacted Dial when I needed assistance with my benefit. They provide a service giving advise on all benefits for people in our situation. They may even be able to attend the tribunel on your behalf. My mum was unable to go to the office so they came to the house to see her.

good luck

07-10-08, 12:07
I had the same problem about 10 years ago even though my doctor and the councillor i was being seen by both said i wasnt fit to go back to work . The medical doctor who had never seen me or treated me ticked a few boxes and there i was more stress trying to fight the system while he went home without a problem . I went for a appeal and a yr later and a lot of stress which is great if u are suffereing from a stress related illness i won the appeal . One line that might help you when i was asked at the appeal did i have anything to add i simply said ...Wether u fail my appeal or believe what i say i will walk out of that door and carry this illness with me

07-10-08, 12:35
Not being able to claim incapacity usually means you dont have enough national insurance credits paid from previous work,

you will however be able to get income support and lower rate mobility like i can.

I have had 2 medicals and both ran quickly with a series of questions and answers.

No worries,


07-10-08, 12:40
A friend of mind went for a medical because he had agoraphobia. The doctor said if you have agoraphobia that bad, how did you manage to come for a medical and then signed him off. I guess you can't win on that one.


07-10-08, 15:19
Thats disgusting ^

my clever dick doctor said "so if you are unable go out alone what do you do all day?"

I looked at him intently, stared a few seconds and said through gritted teeth "the best i can".


08-10-08, 17:34
i went for mine on Monday, very nervous and they kept me waiting for 45 mins so by time I got seen I was very agitated. The receptionist was anything but pleasant and made me feel like I was committing some offence. However, the doc dealing with me was excellent and very supportive and I think i got across how I feel on a daily basis. However, at the end of interview he said he wanted to check my memory and asked me todays date which i had apparently written when I arrived at the place when I signed my name. However and hour and half later this had escaped my mind so I told him "well my birthday is this Friday and thats the 10th so I then proceeded to count back my fingers to finally reach Mondays date lol!!!!!! No idea what the outcome will be and now Ive worried myself that i came across as stupid. Ive been on ib and dla for 10 yrs so no idea if they will think im ready to come off and return to work :wacko: .

Good luck for yours and remember they will try and catch you out with changing the way they ask questions but if you just tell the truth then you should be fine.