View Full Version : Can you relate....

25-05-05, 22:56
Has anyone here had any thereapy due to the murder of a loved one i.e boyfriend or girlfriends death as i still find that i have major problems getting close to the opposite sex as i still feel bad about it even though it was 10 years ago.
Therapy helps a bit but when i am around woman i feel i should not be .......all i want to do is get away in case i die or something ,anyway has anyone else been here as i still find it so so difficult to be around woman as i once was...to be honest i have lost hope that i ever with be now.

25-05-05, 22:57
I havent experienced it personnaly but working how i do i can understand and i know how hard it must be.

Dont want to push you but when you are ready you can talk to me and i hope i can help you through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

05-10-07, 16:46
I was involed in a car accident with my boyfriend, where he died on the scene of the accident. We were very much in Love, and very very happy. The accident happened two days after we came off holiday. I have been just latley having theopy for it, after moving away from my parents it brought on all sorts of troubles, which mean't I hated life and my job which was my love. I find it hard when with men they never seem to be what I lost I know he would want me to be happy, but easy said then done. But I do feel better for having thoepy.:) it has just helped me put everything into prosective. You should always Love as if you have never been hurt, and dance as if no one is looking!!
take care

13-10-07, 09:39
Hi Jojo Sorry To Hear About Your Terrible Loss.......i Can Relate In A Way As I Lost My Husband And I Find Myself Not Knowing If Im Really Ready Yet Or Do We Compare Others To The Ones We Lost And Loved... I Guess Everyone Is Different And It Takes Time I Love Ya Saying A Friend Bought A Plate For Me W/that Sayin On It....hang In There Wish Ya All The Best......linda