View Full Version : how counselling has helped a great deal :).....

24-09-08, 20:55
i just wanted to post this to give other anxiety/panic attack sufferers a bit of support and a possible idea...

ok, so last week i finally started my counselling, and although my doctor had advised me this probably wouldnt help me with my anxiety, it actually really has!
there's been so much ive bottled up over the last 2 years mostly, and not been able to tell anyone because i was so scared of peoples reactions and how they would react, that to tell a total stranger, who didnt judge me, just wanted to help, i cried solidly for an hour, but so much stuff from the past came out of my mouth that i didnt even really know i'd bottled up.
granted,when i came out that evening i felt exhausted, but the week that has followed has seen improvement!! i have had a full week of feeling much better, and the only time i have felt slightly anxious was before bed, but then i fell asleep.
i hope to some people who may be wondering whether to go for some counselling this has helped some, it really did help to get things off my chest, even my fears about dying etc which has been my main issue.

24-09-08, 21:05
Thanks your post has really reassured me.I have been reffered for counselling and was feeling very apprehensive as I am embarrassed about how I feel. I am totally with you in the fact that I have bottled things up for fear of what people would think of me.

24-09-08, 21:06
i felt so nervous hun even up to the point of going in with the counseller, but once i got in there, everything just came out, i hope it goes well for you! :)