View Full Version : Barometer/Weather Station - Weather affecting head?

24-09-08, 22:33
When I feel positive I think that yes, my probs must be something to do with my sinuses, despite the consultant saying there's nothing wrong with them.

I have noticed that the weather seems to have an impact on the pain. I am thinking about getting a weather station to measure atmospheric pressure/humidity to see if there really is a pattern?

Do any of you find weather affects your head???

24-09-08, 22:45
Hi there,

i am totally sure that weather can effect your head. I know for one thing i always get a headache when its going to be stormy.
I don't know if the idea of getting a weather station is a good one though, i think doing things like that can actually make you worse. I for one would never get a blood pressure moniter or any thing like that. It just makes you concentrate more on your anxieties,

love anx xx

24-09-08, 22:58
Completly agree, I get pressure headaches when we are due a storm! but would not get any devices as they will only add to anxiety and may become bit of an obsession??
Angie x

15-05-16, 04:03
I'm the same way. I get really dizzy and anxious when the barometric pressure drop and 99.9% it's because there is a big storm or a big system coming through.

15-05-16, 05:10
I know for a fact that weather affects me physically so it would make sense that it can affect you mentally as well.

Positive thoughts

15-05-16, 06:34
Yep, I can't say pressure does affect me but my GF gets headaches when thunder storms are coming over.