View Full Version : Tiredness

24-09-08, 23:20
I've had a bunch of worries over the last year since my first pa. It was my heart, then my brain etc etc. I've gotten over a lot of them but right now I think I have MS. My right hand has been feeling weak and I feel so dizzy. I have problems with my sinuses but I didn't think it could make me feel like this. The worst part is I'm so tired all the time. I have no energy and I always feel like I need to stretch. Even the days that I'm not anxious I'm still tired. It's really getting to me and I don't know what to do. Please help!

24-09-08, 23:53
hi there i no what you mean i had a bad panic attack today and i thought i was having a stroke i felt really scared i managed to see my doctor who said it was just panic but i really thought i'd was agonna and i feel pretty much exausted most ofthe time and still i cant sleep its like a vicious circle i sometimes think i will never feel normal i wish i had an answer for you if you find one let me no take care goth x

30-09-08, 15:45
I unerstand exactly i feel tired all the time even when im not anxious and its really getting me down.I am really anxious at the moment though cause i always seem to be ill and think there is something seriously wrong with me.I suppose all we can try and do is think positive but its so hard at times

chloe x

30-09-08, 15:59
Hi, Anxiety can present itself has many illnesses so i wouldnt worry too much about wether you have this, that or the other. I have spent too much of my life thinking that i had MS, various cancers, brain tumours, aneurysms, heart problems, meningitis, even HIV. Need i go on? The list is endless! Cancer sufferers have the disease for years whereas anxiety sufferers have it for a few week and then move on to something else. Whilst ever we are reacting to these thoughts of illness we are feeding the anxiety and helping it grow stronger. I am an anxiety sufferer.....obviously! and i am tired from the moment i open my eyes in a morning to the moment a go to sleep at night. We use up so much adrenalin on our anxiety that it exhausts us. Please try not to worry and if you think that it will help, go and see your doctor. It is worth having any new symptoms checked but ask yourself, is it anxiety or not? we usually know when it is or when it isnt!