View Full Version : Too scared to sleep

Ian Scott
25-09-08, 02:13
Bad afternoon, worse night. I'm actually hoping I'm having a panic attack but I had two strokes two weeks ago cause unknown, if they cant diagnose a cause how can thay be sure these are anxiety attacks and not the prelude to another stroke. I've tried to sleep but have to keep moving left limbs just in case. Hate medicines AND WONT TAKE ANY other than my aspirin to keep my blood thin, need to be healthy for my little boy.

Ian Scott

25-09-08, 03:14
not even OTC melatonin? It's know to cause some folks to have weird dreams but I've taken it from time to time and while I tend to have more vivid and sometimes odd dreams I haven't had really negative or scary ones.

25-09-08, 04:26
Keep strong Ian and I hope you got through the night ok.
