View Full Version : first night... help

25-09-08, 03:16
last night was my first night on Citalopram. it was 20mg and it gave me thee worst panic attack ever. i couldnt stop shaking or slow down my heart rate. i was also very dizzy so tonight i cut the pill in half and took only half. anybody else have this happen?
please help me :weep:

Ian Scott
25-09-08, 03:29
I have been prescribed them but didnt like the sound of the side effects and after online research got some bad vibes so i dont intend taking them. Some people reckon if you persist they work eventually and I suppose we are all different.........sorry thats not very helpfull .


25-09-08, 13:47
Hi Robertz
Sorry to hear you had a bad time after taking Citalopram. Do you think you had got yourself worried about taking medication and that's what gave you the panic attack? I know when I was prescribed a very low dose of sleeping tablets that I got myself worked up about taking them and they didn't really work but once I knew that nothing bad was going to happen and I relaxed a bit things got better. I'm on 10mg of Citalopram and didn't have too much problem when I first started but did feel very agitated for a couple of days on third day of taking them. It soon wore off though. Hope this helps. Good luck. xx

25-09-08, 13:56

I started on these about 5 weeks ago. The first two weeks were pretty rough. I took 10mg for 4 days then upped to 20mg as I wanted it over and done with!!

The way I dealt with it in the end was take the pill quite early in the evening and go to bed. I found they made me pretty spaced out and sleepy if I could relax enough you can sort of drift through the unpleasant bit. I found if I tried to get up again within a few hours of taking it my anxiety went through the roof.

If you are like me you will probably feel like you are losing it after about 4-5 days on them but it DOES go away and I am so much better now it was worth those two extra weeks of feeling pants

After 2 weeks they did settle down and didn't really notice taking them. I have got to go up to 30 this week tho but I shouldn't think it will be too bad.