View Full Version : Pain across top of my boob and left arm

25-09-08, 06:20
I havent slept well for most of the night as I have had pain across my left breast,in my shoulder and down my left arm.This has been on and off for about six weeks,seems to be getting worse.I can't feel any lumps.I am completely panicking about it and the what if situation,what can I do?I just feel so helpless.

25-09-08, 09:33
I had this as well, and Went to my doctor...He told me that I just pulled a muscle from being so tensed up (I was having a very badd week anxiety wise)

Maybe it is just a pulled muscle? YOu may want to go see your doctor because he may be able to perscribe pain meds, and It would also probably put your mind to ease. When bad thoughts creep up, I always try to push them back down.

I even named them! I call him, Alexander..and I just say...
"Is that all you've got Alex? that's right, all youcan do is make me think bad thoughts, but you cant realy hurt me." Ect...

I like to bully him just to remind myself that I am in control of my thoughts..not "Alexander"
Perhaps you could do something of the sort? As weird as it sounds it has done wonders for me. Take care!

25-09-08, 14:24
I've got the very same thing at the moment. Of course I'm imagining the worst! Maybe it is yet another annoying thing connected to anxiety??

25-09-08, 17:34
I went to the doctor about something very similar.
I also thought i could feel a lump.
He checked me over.. said he couldnt feel any lumps and told
me to go back if it didnt go away.
It went away after that, but i dont regret gettin it checked.
He told me that its always worth gettin checked, and that it probably was just a tightened muscle that i didnt realise id been using.

25-09-08, 23:44
Hi, I found a lump last yr & the hosp saw me within a week, so get to docs for peace of mind. Mine was nothing so always best to get checked & see whats what. Good luck hun. Let us know how you get on. xxxx