View Full Version : Kinda scared, Just want to talk about it...

25-09-08, 09:15
Ok so I got my period today, and It is odd... a little background

I used to get really bad cramps, so then I started on birth control and was on that for about a year? I have been off of it for at least 10-11 months now, and my periods have been light and not very painful.

ANyway, Today i have been having cramps from hell, pretty much all day (Though it gets better/worse/better again)! It stayed mostly around my right side though (Let it be known, I always worry about the right side of my lower abdomen because I worry about my appendix) My lower back is also killing me. I took some dr. prescribed hydrocodone/apap for the pain and that tok the edge off but it still is freaking me out. BTW, no fever, constipation, or loss of appetite so I dont think it is my appendix this time (Yay for positive thinking!)

Also a month or two ago...I had a catscan and ultrasound because of pain in my lower abdomen on the right side, and they found fluid from what looked to be a ruptured ovarian cyst. But my last period was normal...Could it possibly just be that another cyst has formed making this more painful?

Also, It hurt worse after I ate...If that is of any significance?

To make things so much better It is 3:15 am..I have to be awake in about four hours to get ready to go to school -_- but everytime I lay down the pain is worse..I am considering just sleeping in a chair tonight.

27-09-08, 16:56
I was just wondering if someoen could possibly answer this for me...Its been a couple days =)

27-09-08, 17:30
HEY HUN!!i dont really know much about this but my friend has two cysts on her ovaries and i know that she does noo have normal periods atall and has lost a few big clots too..and is in pain alot of the time...so it could just be down to that hun....xx take care xxx

27-09-08, 17:31
Hi there,

Not sure if I can be much help, but just wanted to answer your post cos I know how horrible it is when you write a post and get no responses :hugs:

I don't know a great deal about ovarian cysts, but I totally sympathise with the PP (period pains) as I suffer badly from them aswell, I take a drug called Naproxen (in the UK) and it helps a lot, more than any other drug that I've tried for this, I also have just gone back on the birth control pill as they help with lighter and less painful periods, I am a lot older than you so decided to have a break from taking it for a while (2 years) as I had been taking it for 7 years non-stop.

As for other help have you tried using a hot water bottle or warmed wheat-bag on your abdomen when you are in pain, it doesn't kill the pain but I do find it soothing, one more thing maybe prop yourself up a bit in bed rather than lying flat, as long as you get some sleep, rest is important! :)

29-09-08, 02:58
Thanks to both of you for answering ^.^ Sorry I couldnt be on here sooner..My internet went down -_-

I would take birth control again, but I stopped because I was afraid of having a heart attack, blood clot, or stroke. -_-
I will most definatly try to hot water bottle thing though! Anything to at least make it a tad soothing. ^.^

Thanks again!