View Full Version : Did it take you long to accept it for what it was?

25-09-08, 10:54

I was just wondering if it took a little while for any of you to accept your attacks for panic attacks and nothing else?

I have been paranoid that they aren't panic attacks, or anxiety even though I have been reassured my several health professionals that that's all it is.

Is it normal to worry about it being something else and take awhile to accept all these wonderful feelings and 'attacks' are just panic?


Cathy V
25-09-08, 11:10
Hi there, yes it does take time to accept, because of how awful they make us feel physically and we can tbelieve that anxiety can do this to us, that it must be something far worse! anxiety can, and does do this. The first panic attack is sometimes all it takes...our imagination does the rest.

This forum has been the only thing in my battle to accept anxiety that has really worked. Just knowing that so many others get the same physical symptoms is reassurence in itself...we can't all be dying! and in a way, the fact that weve had this for a long time helps us to see that its ok because nothing bad did happen and we're all still here.

Hope this helps a bit anyway
Cathy xxx :)

25-09-08, 11:57
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

You have had great advice allready (as always) just thought I would agree with what Cathy has said and add a little more.

The hardest thing with this illness is, its the illness and the symptoms and how it messes about with our emotions and are normal coping skill's, that can effect are recovery. This first thing to go, is our ability to reasure ourselves, this skill is NOT gone, its STILL there within you, but because you are acute with anxiety panic, it DAME HARD to bring this skill back in to a normal level. (to reasure yourself, because panic anxiety has soooo many syptoms AND I MEAN ALOT) So, the illness, itself gets in the way of recovery and its normal with panic, anxiety sufferes to fear the worse.

What I do know is, it is DAME hard to eccpet that whats happening IS anxiety panic, related, BUT, when you learn to except, this helps us move on a little, but when learning to eccept, try DAME HARD NOT, to expect panic or anxiety, Mmmm, I know this is dame hard, but, with alot of hard work, time and the right support, this is possible.

There ARE alot of people on this great forums with this problem hun :hugs:YOU ARE NOT ALONE.



25-09-08, 17:21
Hi Samantha,
I agree with Cathy and Jill.
The feelings we get in a panic attack are so horrible it's dificult not to think it's something worse.
We people have great imaginations.
All the best, Dave.

25-09-08, 21:53
When im feeling ok - i realise i suffer from anxiety - when im anxious i totally still think its somethingmuch worse - 15 yrs on!!

Cathy V
25-09-08, 22:00
Hey bab, until i found nmp it was 33 years for me. Time to call it a day do you think? :D we are ok, we are not ill and not going to die, and the next time a panic attack comes along kick it up the ar*e and give it an extra kick for me ok? xxxxx

25-09-08, 23:27
Its taken me a few weeks and lots of trips to drs and the hospital and various tests also to accept it. I think as said its the horrible way it eats at you and all the nasty and intense symptoms it gives off. In the last 2 weeks i have challenged it and really pushed myself, its not easy but boy do i feel better for accepting it and fighting.
I wouldnt go out of the front door when i first started off, i was sure i had something really seriously wrong with me because it was so intense. I then found this link a few weeks back http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms and studied i it alot and sure enough i'v had pritty much every symptom going. It also helped me understand each symptom in turn. I then decided to push my self and make some life changes as it couldnt get any worse. I first knocked caffeine on the head, i was drinking around 2 litres of coke aday to get me through night shifts and lack of sleep :ohmy:. I then decided to try some gardening. This for me was a big step and i mean a big step. I was alone at home doing the lawns, i had jelly legs and was so spaced out and i felt a bit dizzy, but i did it. Afterwards i felt worn out but i was still here! I then started pushing myself a little more each day, although i was still monitoring my blood pressure, heartrate ect just to check it wasnt something else. I started doing various things around the house and a bit of execise too. And again i still woke up the next day although i still felt lousy. I'v now accepted i have a problem with anxiety and i think thats the biggest hurdle to jump for most. Maybe that link will help you too, if only to reasure you that all of the symptoms are happening for a reason and not harmful.

You'll get there i'm sure :)

Then you can start to fight back.

All the best


26-09-08, 00:26
I dont think i have still accepted that this is anxiety that causing these odd and horrid feelings.
The rational part of my mind knows that its anxiety and if it was something else i wouldn't be still standing right now as i've had two years of these symptoms but the irrational part of my mind tells me its not anxiety, i am really ill, all the dr's are missing something and unfortunatly the irrational part is unfortunatly a million times stronger than the rational part

26-09-08, 07:33
I dont think i have still accepted that this is anxiety that causing these odd and horrid feelings.
The rational part of my mind knows that its anxiety and if it was something else i wouldn't be still standing right now as i've had two years of these symptoms but the irrational part of my mind tells me its not anxiety, i am really ill, all the dr's are missing something and unfortunatly the irrational part is unfortunatly a million times stronger than the rational part

Have you had any counciling scared? I must admit i'v not been suffering with it all that long compared to you, but i'v seen success storys of people that have been sufering with it for years and beat it. This one is a great one and she also has some tips on how she beat it http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=36423 .

All the best
