View Full Version : Can Anxiety / Stress cause this?

25-09-08, 12:53
Hello, for about 3 days i have little white sores on the tip on my tongue and down the side of it too. I have an ulcer on my lip and my tongue really hurts. I have inspected my mouth like a mad woman and today have noticed i have a tiny white sore on the side of my mouth but this is causing me pain when swallowing. This isnt helping my anxiety at all! my glands under my tongue seem to be swollen and i am freaking out! everyone says its because 'im run down' or stressed. Could this be true? i have a paticulaly bad month :weep:


25-09-08, 13:12
Sounds to me like you are run down.I get ulcers and coldsores when Im run down.Try a mouth wash,its quite soothing for the sores.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

25-09-08, 13:20
Hi tash, I feel your pain. I've had a series of ulcers since I started getting over a long viral infection. Most recently I've had a massive, painful ulcer on the inside of my cheek that made my glands swell up under my jaw and gave me referred pain in my ear and eye. It is going away now, so I can eat again the right side of my mouth at last :).
It is believed that mouth ulcers are the result of an immune response, and are often a sign that you are stressed or run down. My dad gets them too and swears by 1000mg of vitamin C per day until they start going. I've also heard that B vits can help. I try to avoid toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulphate as it seems to aggravate them, along with anything acidic, and alcohol. You can get over-the-counter stuff that can help soothe them, but I usually just rinse and gargle with salt water. I take omega 3 supplements as well, not sure if they help but probably can't hurt.:winks:
Try not to worry too much. Mouth ulcers are painful - the little white ones are sometimes the worst - but are relatively harmless and usually go away by themselves in a week or two. If you think you might be run down then maybe lots of rest, some exercise and nutritious food will help. Good luck :)

25-09-08, 14:26
Oh poor poor you. Yes, I get a bad mouth when anxious too. All sorts of weird aches and pains......... It is a symptom of tense jaw/TMJ disorder. And ulcers pop up a lot when stressed. xxx

25-09-08, 20:17
Nothing to worry over. Wash your mouth with warm water and a little pitch salt, a pinch or two. Drink a few cold drinks and keep away from spicey or tangy foods.

When my anxiety first started, I had two huge ones on my lower lip inside, they lasted like a month each. They hurt SO MUCH. The white ones are usually worst. In 9th grade, I had a huge white one under my tounge and a throat infection to go along with it, add to all that, a thunderous headache...it stunk!

You're gonna be ok soon.

26-09-08, 00:09
When a member of my family was run down and under some stress from work she ended up with a mouth full of ulcers. Also i sometimes get them usually just one side of my mouth, but whichever side, the lymph node on that side of my neck swells up

26-09-08, 08:24
Hello Tash, I have been having the same problems as you, last week my mouth and tongue were really sore. I had some ulcers and the roof of my mouth was sore. I wonder if acid can do this? I just cleaned my teeth 3 times a day and gargled with listerine. They went after about 4 days. Hope you are feeling better soon. I went back to my doc and have some different pills for acid reflux as she is sure it is this....ho hum will give it another week of worry and go back if no better. I forgot to tell her about my sore neck and gland up doh. lots of love janex

26-09-08, 09:04
Heya, still really stuggling with my mouth today its sooo painful and it hurts to swallow on the one side. I reeally am wondering if the acid can cause this, I have a docs appointment on Wednesday so i will ask him then. I just wish i had no physical symptoms as it really screws with my head :(


26-09-08, 09:12
tash try not to worry too much i too have a sore mouth and tounge i have a white sore on inside of my cheek also i have been told by the doc i was just run down i also get it on my nose it all breaks out its no fun i know but its nothing serious to worry about chin up

lee xxx

26-09-08, 09:33
These are mouth ulcers hun, which anx/stress can quite easy cause
Swishing warm salt water around in your mouth and gargleing will help this
do it about 4 times a day. try not to swallow any of it as it may make you feel sick.
you can also put bonjela on the sores to help with the pain
if after 2 wks they are not getting better go to your doc and get some anti b's