View Full Version : Brand new here!

25-09-08, 15:52
Hi everyone,

I found this site totally by accident!!! But feel someone must have been looking after me because recently I have been having what I think are panic attacks!

I am 52, married (very happily) for just over one year. Had mega health probs for years, so many operations I can't remember them all, but basically loads of gynae, finally full hysterectomy at 30. Lots of miscarriages, eventually adopted a baby girl 24 years ago. Breast cancer at 35, and of course all the treatments, several ops for that since. Then 12 years ago was diagnosed with ME - I think my body had had enough. Was in a bad marriage for 26 years. Left four years ago.

Both my parents (who lived with me) and my brother, all died within three months five years ago. I miss them so much.

I have one remaining sibling - a twin - who is very jealous of the relationship I had with our parents. My daughter and her son live with my sister so it is a very difficult situation. My sister traced my daughters birth parents/siblings a few months ago without any discussion with me. This is what I feel was the final straw in the relationship with my sister, and we hardly speak now. When I tried to talk to her about it she just said "what do you want me to say?" there was no explanation or apology. I tried to get her to see how important it was for my daughter to have proper counselling before making contact but that was totally ignored. My daughter made contact but now says she doesn't want to know them, and won't discuss this with me at all.

My daughter lies about anything and everything, and has done since she was very young, and through her teenage years stole money from me on numerous occasions. It is heartbreaking to be lied to so much, and I know she still lies about even the smallest things. She likes people to feel sorry for her and lies about her life to everyone, even to the point where she put on an american accent and told everyone she was an american at school! I gave her car a few years ago, a very nice car, and she decided she didn't want it any more and would prefer to have the money. So we sold the car and she spent the money. The next thing I knew was that my sister, feeling sorry for her, had bought her a car!

I used to be very busy but since having the ME had to give up work and now spend most of my days at home on my own. Had my first panic attack a few months ago as I was out one sunny morning walking the dog. Took me totally by suprise, felt very faint, off balance and started shaking uncontrollably. Fortunately a very nice lady in a car bought me home. Since then it has happened a few times, the worst time was a couple of weeks ago when it happened when I was driving, which was terrifying. My doctor said that my blood pressure was high (which is bad because I already take 4 meds for that) and that I couldn't take any more stress. He has put me on citalopran, which I have been taking for about a week now. I am also having counselling which I hope will help.

Any get better quick tips would be appreciated!!!!

25-09-08, 16:07
Hi Tisha and :welcome: This is a great site and you will get lots of support and friendly advise.:hugs: :hugs:

25-09-08, 16:10
Awwh Tisha sounds like you've had a hard time of it!
I'm also a twin, but me and my sister are very close. She does get annoyed about my anxiety and things I get let off with etc, so i know how hard it is when you fall out, even though yours was much worse:blush:
Anyway, Welcome to Nmp, it's a lovely site and hope counselling works for you, it will really help :yesyes:
Take care

25-09-08, 16:12
Aww tisha,

welcome to nmp hun,

And no wonder panic attacks came into your life with all what you have been through.
It takes time and tlc, we will help you all we can.

best wishes
di xx

25-09-08, 16:35
HEY HUN!!welcome to nmp...ive been suffering with panic attacks since about march this year...they are awful..im so sorry to hear about you losses that must of been so hard to cope with...and then all your illnesses too..this site has been a real help to me..it helps to now that other people are going through the same circumstances...anyway if u ever need a chat pm me anytime..good luck on your road to recovery...hope to speak soon....xx take care xx:flowers: :welcome: :bighug1:

25-09-08, 16:36
Hi Tisha,

Considering what you have been through, it's no wonder that your body has flipped out over all the stress!

You will find lots of useful info and advice here from very supportive people.

25-09-08, 16:50
Wow, I can't believe the wondeful replies!!! Thanks all so very much ....I will try and read all the info on the site and gleen as much info as possible.

It really does help knowing I'm not the only one who feels like this and also that there is a community out there all pulling together!

Tisha xx

25-09-08, 17:29
Hi Tisha

You poor thing you really have had alot to put up with. Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of support on here.

Take care


milly jones
25-09-08, 19:47
welcome to no more panic

its a wonderful place to share our anxiety

love milly xx :hugs:

25-09-08, 20:19
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

best place to come when life gets emotionally tough

Pooh x

25-09-08, 22:14
Hi and welcome Im sure you will get lots of good advice here and find lots of new friends.
You have certainly had a rough time.xx

25-09-08, 22:49
Welcome, and good to have you here. God bless!