View Full Version : Anxiety is back!

25-09-08, 17:47
Posted a few days ago saying that i was starting to get anxious again, i did really well to get over it last time and was free from symptoms for 6 months, had a headache saturday, not had one since but now, i am having worrying thoughts, palpertations, feel sort of shakey inside, feel sort of detached and things seem different if you know what i mean, i was at work today and i have felt so tired and like i had no energy (was thinking i was going to pass out at one point).

I am sure it is all down to anxiety again, it sort of on without any warning, i think the only way i will feel better is to see my doc. just dont want to get back into that routine again, strange thing is it has been 12 months since i first started suffering with my anxiety.

25-09-08, 19:57
The worst thing we do when we have a little relapse is imagine the worst; what if I get really ill again, we tend to imagine the worst possible scenario. It is possible though that you are a bit over tired or stressed and your symptoms are caused by that, but because of having suffered from anxiety before you read more in to the symptoms. I know I do this, but they key thing is getting control of your thoughts and really try to be rational and logical. Or try to distract yourself from thinking about anxiety. If you have a good understanding doc, a chat may set you straight. Maybe look to see if there is something happening in your life (may not be immediately evident) that could be triggering the anxiety.
Although I don't really know anything about your situation, it is possible that if you keep calm, don't imagine the worst, get lots of rest, the anxiety symptoms could pass.
Hope you feel better soon.