View Full Version : I'm new, please be gentle!

25-09-08, 18:34
Evening All

I'm new to the site. I was recommened this place by a friend from another forum and she urged me to come here.

Where to start?

I'm not even sure if I "suffer" from anxiety or not I just feel that I do.

Things came to a head on Monday morning when I woke up in tears. I cry ALL the time for no reason. I'm someone that doesn't have a lot of friends and spends a lot of time on my own. Weekends are spent on my own in my bedroom, with only venturing out to the supermarket. I'm not afraid to leave the house or anything, I just have no place to go.

Anyway, things came to a head on Monday as I said. I woke up in tears just with this fealing everything was crashing in on me, if that makes sense. I knew something was wrong but didn't know what.

I went to the doctor and I broke down in tears in front of him. He put me on sleeping tablets (seven days supply) just to give me the chance to get some sleep as I haven't been sleeping well. He asked me to see him later in the week. He also signed me off work for seven days.

I went back to see him today as requested and I still have that feeling as if everything is just crashing in on me. My throat feels as if it's constricting, my head hurts, there's a buzzing in my ear. I am having issues at work (I'm being bullied) and I do have other issues too.

My doctor has signed me off for another week. Now, I'm not sure if I need this. He said I'm suffering from stress. Is it stress or anxiety or are the two the same?

I'm not entirely happy about being signed off again. I've never been signed off from work prior to this. Should I take the extra time? Apart from that he just seemed to zero in on the bullying at work issues and says thats what this all stems from, but I'm not entirely sure that it is. I've always felt on the "outside" and had the feeling of "being out of control" practically all my life.

He hasn't offered to put me on medication and I'm ok with that. He made a sweeping offer to refer me to a counsellor which I took because I think talking will help.

But now I feel so out of it. I'm not sure what's going on or what's happening to me. It's like everything is getting "out of hand" and what started off as feeling as if "something isn't right" now is feeling worse as if I'm some "broken" person.

My moods go up and down. Monday was bad. Tuesday I felt as if I was "normal" and that I could really go into work and even began to question if I'd "made it up" yesterday was another bad day. Can you see a pattern?

Sorry, I hadn't meant to go on and this was only going to be a quick hi! Yikes! :D

I'm not even sure if I'm in the right place.


milly jones
25-09-08, 19:46
welcome to no more panic

its a wonderful place to share our anxiety

love milly xx :hugs:

25-09-08, 20:17
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

stress is usually associated with some degree of anxiety so no matter how mild you are probably in the right place. Read through the menu to the left and have a look around the forum and see how you feel

Pooh x

26-09-08, 09:45
Hiya, :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way
Keep posting with your fears and questions and we will help you as much as we can.

26-09-08, 11:26

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here

Take care
