View Full Version : Employer's medical report-Something fishy??

25-09-08, 19:27
Need some advice please.A few months ago my employer's asked one of my specialists from the priory for a medical report from him and i signed a form first.
Months later they've asked for another report from one of the other specialists that i see and i didn't sign a consent form for them to give them permisison to. To cut a long story short i went today to see the Dr and they've basically put in it that they are really worried about my mental health and i've been "agitated" and they don't think i can do the job....i just can't believe what they are saying and i'm gobsmacked and so is the consultant that i'm seeing.
My consultant then told me to go back to them and ask for a copy for myself which i did do and they've deleted the bits where they don't think i can do my job and taken it back and shown him.
I'm just really stressed about it now and don't know what to do next.My consultant has basically said that they are breaking the law because they haven't got me to sign a consent form for him to do it.
I had my appraissal a couple of weeks ago and it was fine so i'm thinking that they are trying to push me out of the back door. Has anybody else been in this situation before?
Anybody got any advice as it would be much appreciated.


25-09-08, 20:46
I had a medical report from a Priory consultant for work a few years ago. I had to authorise the request and the consultant sent me a copy, exactly what had been sent to the company. They must get your consent. Sounds as if the psychiatrist is on your side so ask him to keep you in the loop. They're handling these situations daily and will do all they can to help (in my experience anyway).

25-09-08, 21:20
I've just come across the letter I wrote to my shrink at the time. It outlines the law, to the extent of quoting it!!

I have had a letter from my employers asking for my consent to request a report from you on my proposed return to work. I have been informed under the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988 that in order for me to see the report before it is sent to them, I must contact you to request access. That is the purpose of this letter.

Hope this helps

25-09-08, 21:48
I dont have experience of this but it does sound a bit odd - I would call ACAS as you may have a case here

25-09-08, 22:02
Thanks for the advice with it. It just seems a bit under handed with what they've done. Sounds like they didn't think that my psychiatrist would show me the report. I'm glad he did and know they will support me with everything.