View Full Version : worried about going back to work!!

donna lou
25-09-08, 19:51
hi everyone
ive been off work for 3 months due to anxiety my main symptoms are dizzyness, lightheadedness. im alot better but still get these symptoms just not as bad, im really scared of feeling lightheaded because it makes me really panicky & im scared im going to faint! sometimes i get like a wave of feeling floaty all over then im o.k. again does anyone else get these weird sensations? has anyone got any tips about facing work?
thanks donna:)

26-09-08, 09:53
Hi Donna

Iv been off work 4 months with exactly the same thing as you.

Please pm me if you like, i no exactly what you are going through and it would be good to hear from someone who is going through exactly the same

love mandie x

26-09-08, 10:07
Hi Donna, i have recently gone back to work after two years at home been a new mum. I have always had anxiety but it got really bad after i lost my nan in february and i even developed depression. I had to go back to work as we need the money but i kept putting it off because i didnt even think i would get through an interview. In a nutshell i did get a job, just part time for now (16 hours) and although it was daunting to start with i have surprised myself by settling in pretty well. I still worry that i am going to get the dizziness and that spaced out feeling cos i find it hard to control once it starts and i would be mortified if i had a panic attack in front of everyone but for now it is all good and i am having fun.
feel free to PM anytime, you too Mandie. I hope we can offer each other support!!

26-09-08, 10:45
Hi Donna,

I have just gone back to work this week after 6 months off. I was terrified and ended up on 4 days of Valium to get me back 'cos I descended into total panic 3 days before I went back.

I was so nervous going in, especially as I work in a very male heavy engineering enviroment and there is constant joking and p**s taking to put it mildly!!

It was hard going in but I have had nothing but sympathy from everyone. I have lost a huge amount of weight so everyone could see how rough I had been. By last day of shift I actually enjoyed myself!!

Does you company have an Occ Health department, can you do reduced hours for a while? I am building my hours up from 3 hours a day to full hours over six weeks which is a massive help.

I have found that being honest with people with what is wrong but without TOO much detail has been the best way.

Just remember if you get lightheaded you are NOT going to faint. It is extremely rare to faint from anxiety. If it gets to much just take 5 mins out or try and distract yourself. Try not to avoid anyone or any normal situations. Let them know you are still recovering but are doing OK and you are still the person you always were.

Most of all recognise what a massive step you are taking towards your recovery and congratulate yourself all day everyday for getting back to work. Getting out of the house and back to work will do wonders for your mental state even if it doesn't feel like it to begin with.

It has been the hardest step I have taken but the relief of getting to the end of the week and having actually done it feels great. I am sure it can only get easier from here on!

The biggest problem I have faced is after 6 months of being off is the lost of strength and stamina so I am trying to go to the gym/swimming pool a couple of times a week to build myself back up. Perhaps that would help you if you have somewhere you can go?

Just try to think positively and not panic. It will be hard but you will be fine :)

donna lou
26-09-08, 18:21
thanks guys, im feeling good at the moment trying to stay positive. im only going back for a few days & taking a few days holiday to ease me back in. i'll let you all know how i get on on monday

26-09-08, 19:20
Please do Donna, and good luck :)