View Full Version : panic attacks

25-09-08, 20:17
Im angie and been getting horrible panic attacks esp as im going to the school to take my son i get them then. I went to the gp and he said its anxiety and put me on a 28 day course of half beta blocker prograne. Im wondering if anyone has been on these and if it has helped. This is my second day on them so not sure if it takes time for tem to work. I hate the dizzyness vertigo type feelings and feel like people are talking and im not taking things in. Im always rushing esp to get home indoors where i feel safer. x

25-09-08, 20:26
Hi Angie,

Welcome to NMP!

You will find lots of info, support and advice here.

25-09-08, 20:31
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

25-09-08, 20:33
Hi and welcome :)


25-09-08, 21:09
Welcome to a sanctuary of peace.

milly jones
26-09-08, 15:07
a friday welcome to nmp


milly xx :flowers:

26-09-08, 15:26
HI!! welcom to nmp.. you will find al you need to know here about panic attacks..i suffer from them to there are awful. but all the infomationand people on ths site have helped me sooo much on my road to recovery...i hope to speak to you soon..feel free to pm me anytime...xxx take care xxx:welcome: :bighug1: :flowers:

27-09-08, 02:05
Hi Starlady,

Welcome to the site, I have only been here a few days and already find it helps alot to know ur not alone.Im always rushing to get home too when I am out, its a horrible feeling isn't it . I am not on any meds but I am sure you will find lots of help and advice here xxx

Simply Red
27-09-08, 20:43
Hi Angie,
I have panic attacks whilst taking my children to school sometimes too. For months i couldn't even go on my own, my Mom went everywhere with me(bit hard to accept when you're 36!) tried different medication but worried about side effects and that made me worse. My GP put me on beta blockers like you and i've been improving. I can take the children to school on my own now though sometimes i have blips when its hard. I have more good days than bad and i just have to take each day as it comes.

you will find loads of info and advice on this site that will make you realise you're not going mad or alone in how you feel. That made so much difference to me.
Take care:)
Red x

28-09-08, 16:40
Hello Angie And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda