View Full Version : I'll never get better

25-09-08, 20:19
Ive recently joined NMP Ive had panic attacks for about 5 years and just tried to live with them, but recently they are worse Ive tried different things, herbal remedies, relaxation tapes, books etc. I feel like I can't talk to anyone without them thinking I'm completely insane with what I am thinking and I feel like I am never going to get better or be my old self again. Did anyone else feel like this -sort of isolated ?


25-09-08, 20:39
Hi Marina
I think you'll find a lot of people here you can empathize with you. Unfortunately there is not one cure that fits everyone, and it can take years to find out what works for you. Sometimes it is simply accepting the symptoms of panic, learning not to fear and fight them, and knowing that nothing terrible will happen to you. I first had panic attacks when I was 15, I'm now 34 and they have come and gone over the years, but my attitude to them has changed, and I can lead a normal(ish) life. But yes, the isolation is the worst, anxiety leaves you feeling very tired, and it takes so much effort to socialize that it seems easier not to bother. But things can and do get better, in the meantime I'm sure you'll get lots of support here.
Nettles x

25-09-08, 21:08
You are at the right place for support and friendship. Many share your symptoms and can offer an ear anytime. Try the chat line for instant conversation. We are a good group to know.

25-09-08, 21:50
Hi Marina,
Nobody here will think you're insane so you can feel free to say what you like about your condition.
When I started having panic attacks there were no computers so I really was isolated.
It will get better.
All the best, Dave.

25-09-08, 22:49
Hi Marina,

Firstly welcome to NMP. Secondly yes yes yes! I felt and still do feel like you often. I actually am much happier to talk about my panic now that I understand it better and realise that it does affect so many other people.

I dont have any answers myself as I am still trying to deal with the panic but this site is a great source of information and so many people with different takes on issues like panic and anxiety.

I hope you find the support you need here.


26-09-08, 10:18
Thanks for all your replies and supportive advice it means a lot. I only joined this site 2 weeks ago and now Ive got the hang of it and eventually posted on the forum the other day I keep logging back on, its great to feel as if you are not on your own.


Marina x

26-09-08, 10:21
Well my first anxiety/panic attack happened 18 years ago. They've come and gone ever since and a combination of therapy and medication have controlled the worst effects but I still go off the deep end from time to time. Like you I often wonder if I'm stuck this way for life. Rest assured that you're not alone.

26-09-08, 12:31
hi marina, you def not insane hun and loads of people will feel like u do and will be able to help. hugs and u r not alone xxxx