View Full Version : today

25-09-08, 20:29
i had a really bad day today been really upset and anxious all day
all the negative thoughts are coming back

25-09-08, 20:41
Hi smiths

Try now to dwell on the bad days sweety and think of the better ones. Remember each day is different and tomorrow may be a great one.

Hope you feel better soon
Love and hugs

25-09-08, 20:43
thank you lisa xxx

25-09-08, 21:06
Hey smith. I think we chatted yesterday. I hope you are feeling better today. Each morning is a new chance to change your life, hun.
Take care.

25-09-08, 21:08
sorry to hear you ve had a difficuit day tomorrow is a new day try to put today behind you and look forward dont dwell on today , heart felt thoughts to you

25-09-08, 21:37
It's horrible when that happens isn't it Smiths.
Try and get a good night's sleep if you can and you'll feel better tomorrow.
Best wishes to you, Dave.

Cathy V
25-09-08, 21:40
...arent you reading any of the replies to your other posts then?

25-09-08, 21:40
So sorry your day has not been good, i hop tomorrow is better for you.xxx

25-09-08, 21:41
yeah i read them all

25-09-08, 21:44
thank you all for your good thoughts

Cathy V
25-09-08, 22:05
You thank us for our 'thoughts'? did you bother to read Kenboons very caring and detailed post about hyperventilation, in reply to one of your other posts about feeling stressed? Be careful with how many posts you have in one day, it can be confusing and means people could lose track of you.

25-09-08, 22:20
yes i did read it i wont bother posting anything else
thanks cathy

Cathy V
25-09-08, 22:40
If you read it you would have seen that it relates to everything you are feeling. You could have answered him and thanked him for his time and for all the information he gave you. It was a very long and detailed post and a very interesting one too, but you didnt even acknowledge it. Instead you went on to start another thread and completely abandoned the others. You'll end up confusing people. And the fact that youve taken offense tells me that you are being a little bit selfish. We are here to help, but its not good to be ignored.

25-09-08, 22:52
Honestly i dont mind, to be honest i copied and pasted alot of that from this site. I think whats happened here is everyones got lost at where we are at with you smiths with all the new threads started and i think you maybe have too. Think we need one big thread for you that we can all focus on for different problems your having,then in turn we can try and help you out. I know what a nightmare it is at times and just how hard it is to control. But i'm 95% there now and i'm determined to help and give back as much as possible to people who suffer from severe anxiety.

All the best


25-09-08, 22:52

Please feel free to PM me. I am sorry you have came across difficulties at this early stage, You are entitled to answer/ignore any reply you get on any post, this is a personal choice and one we should not judge on.

I hope you reconsider


Cathy V
25-09-08, 23:20
Im sorry but i dont agree with that lisa. I think it does matter if people are being ignored. Its good amnners to answer when people have taken the time to try to help. The reply from kenboon wasnt just the usual few lines and a hug, it was quite a long reply with loads of info about hyperventilation which was obviously smiths problem in that particular post, and most people would have acknowledged that.

She might not have meant to ignore it, but if she's got so many threads going shes obviously lost track, and thats not very reassuring for the people who take the time to answer. And if she takes offence when its pointed out to her, and then huff off without an apology because they feel badly done to, then thats smacks of someone who is only thinking of themselves. Sorry.

26-09-08, 08:04
i think this is a a bit harsh i am too a new member and it can be a bit confusing keeping up and finding things again more so if you are in the middle of a p a this site is for help not for making someone feel worse please take heart smiths stay on the site others are willing to help xxxx

26-09-08, 11:11
Hi Smiths

Please continue posting as this is what the forum is all about and as Lisa stated we are not hear to judge each other in any way only to offer help. I too hope you reconsider and hope that in future you find the site of great help to you.


26-09-08, 12:33
CathyV you have helped me alot,and for that i thank you!

But i do think what you have said is a bit harsh too, you must know that when you feel as s**t as Vikki obviously does at the mo, and lets be honest we've all been there,some of us still are there, replying to each and every post is the last thing on your mind.

She has obviously read it, and has probably taken it into account, perhaps like me, every attack she has feels different, in the early stages i was always looking for reassurance, even if i had posted on the same thing loads of times, the people on here are here to help, not make us feel worse, kind words go along way, even if there is no reply at the end of it.

Cassi xxx

26-09-08, 18:00
This thread is now closed pending admin review.