View Full Version : Hello

Di Jackson
26-05-05, 11:01
Just wanted to say hello, and thanks, as I've been helped a lot by reading the messages here. My story is rather long.
My anxiety started after my Mum died 10 years ago, was afraid something would happen to Dad - it did, he died suddenly on holiday. 18 months later my sister died suddenly. Add to that several miscarriages and you will understand why I always expect the worst - trying hard to change that thought pattern!
Panic attacks started after haemorrhaging at home when my son was 4 days old - fainted and thought I was dying. Stopped for a while, started again after attending a funeral at same Church as parents, saw GP and was refered to mental health team but never recieved appointment. Felt better for a while, suppressed grief and studied for a degree - very stressful - then started a new job. One morning I just couldnt go to work
was in such a state of panic and felt so ill (October 2004).
GP was really supportive. Have just finished bereavement counselling with Cruse, which was painful but helped so much. Still have contact with Community Mental Health Nurse. Have given up work to give my self chance to recover.
Still have panic attacks but can often stop or limit them.
Get very anxious/over protective of my two children, but am getting better. Worst problem is my fear of dying - every ache is something serious!! Has been good to see others have the same symptoms.
Am lucky in having a very understanding husband.

26-05-05, 11:20
Hi Di,

Sorry to hear you've been having such a bad time. You are definately in the right place for lots of support and advice.

Welcome to the site!

tracy x x

26-05-05, 11:22
welcome to the site,i am a newbie my self and found lots of good stuff here,hope things improve for you

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

26-05-05, 11:39
Hi Di

Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you've been having a really tough time. Sorry to hear about your bereavements.

Hope we can be of help to you here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

26-05-05, 11:50
Oh Di,
So sorry to hear about all your grief and bereavements.

I was tipped over the edge by losses too, I was probably a good candidate anyway through occupational stress but it was a series of deaths that decided it..

Glad you found Cruse and excellent that you can now limit panic..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

26-05-05, 12:11
Hi Di,

welcome to the site,,

you will get lots of help and understanding here,

death is one of my biggest fears, not my death, but other peoples, so i understand how you feel,

glad you got the help from cruse and it helped you,

hope you find this site a help
take care

kairen x

26-05-05, 12:52
Hi Di
like Tony i'm new to this site to, but it has helped me tremendously, i'm so sorry you have been through so much, i'm sure being here will be of great comfort to you.

Sharon xxxxx

26-05-05, 13:10
Hi Sorry to hear about what you have been through.Ihave and had the same feelings as you..I to have lost a son and brother and another four family members..And all i think about is death and dying..Lost them all in three years. The doctors and specialst told me its all greive and normal...And also told me im suffering form post matic stress disorder. I think all the time that i have a real illness and im going to to died..Been having this for three years now. Every time i go to a doctor now touch wood every thing is fine and its all down to the way im reacting to my greive..please dont worry you will be fine i know its hard but you have come this far...If you need someone to talk to at any time day or night i will give you my home telephone number....Hold on and dont be afraid to call me.

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

26-05-05, 14:33
Hi Di,
Welcome, so sorry to hear of your awful losses. You will find lots of advice hear, take things slowly and keep in touch.

26-05-05, 15:06
Welcome Di - my heart goes out to you for everything that's happened.

Love Piglet

26-05-05, 18:13
Hi Di

Sorry to hear of your sad losses and so many in a short period of time.

It is lovely to see you on here so welcome aboard and I hope we can be of some help to you.


26-05-05, 20:09
Welcome aboard!! :D

26-05-05, 21:17
Hello Di,
It comes as no surprise that you are suffering from anxiety after what you have been through. I have no doubt that under that rattled exterior is a very strong person who will overcome the anxieties that have been troubling you. I, too, haemorraged -after a miscarriage, and I have no doubt this contributed to my consequent panic attacks during periods. I also went through the phase of thinking I had every illness known to man! - I've had at least 10 fatal diseases! - needless to say I am still here fighting fit. I think most of us worry about our own mortality at some point, especially after having children. Try to find peace with death, I know this might sound bizarre but the day you let go of this fear you will have a weight lifted off your shoulders. Death is not something you can control, as panic sufferers we are always trying to control things and expect to be responsible for everything. What will be, will be. Tomorrow is a new day, the sun will shine on you again- enjoy it and enjoy life! speak to you soon,
lots of love, amanda xx

a hill

27-05-05, 09:27
Hi Di

Welcome to the site. You have suffered a lot of losses and it is no wonder you feel how you do.

We will help you all we can and pleased seeing cruse has helped you, i was referred to them after my father died and it did help me.

Pleased you have such an understanding husband to support you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

Di Jackson
27-05-05, 09:37
Good morning! Thank you for all the supportive replies. The website has been a real help to me over the past months. I think Amanda has a point about the control aspect - I always had my life planned and organised until births and deaths threw me off course - and I've never felt "in control" since!
Although I am improving, I am also beging to realise that recover is going to take a long time.
Does anybody recover completely, or do we alway have to work at it?

27-05-05, 10:48
Hi Di

Wow, it's not surprising that you feel bad, you've been thru a lot !!!
Really sorry to hear about it all.
Welcome to the site and I hope you'll get loads of advices and support from us.
Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

27-05-05, 14:12
Many many people recover so they can lead whatever lives they choose.

has anyone been cured (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3246)
100% recovered?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3368)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...