View Full Version : Getting panicky over virus

26-09-08, 05:07
Been feeling very unwell the past couple of days,had a very high temperature,body aching all over and feeling sick and generally bad so went to the docs and he said that everything seemed ok,chest clear,ears clear,no runny nose,only my throat was a bit red so he thinks it's a virus,he did mention flu but I think I would feel worse if it was that. Anyway went to bed last night feeling awful but my abdomen is making the most awful gurgling and churning noises and I know I haven't eaten much but surely it wouldn't affect the bowel region only the stomach.I have just eaten some rice krispies as I feel so sick all the time I don't want to eat much.I am getting worried that it's something to do with my bowels and not a virus at all as why would they sound like this?.I feel a feeling in my throat all the time and I am belching a lot as well.Does anybody think I have got something serious as I really feel bad and it's making it worse.

26-09-08, 07:11
Been feeling very unwell the past couple of days,had a very high temperature,body aching all over and feeling sick and generally bad so went to the docs and he said that everything seemed ok,chest clear,ears clear,no runny nose,only my throat was a bit red so he thinks it's a virus,he did mention flu but I think I would feel worse if it was that. Anyway went to bed last night feeling awful but my abdomen is making the most awful gurgling and churning noises and I know I haven't eaten much but surely it wouldn't affect the bowel region only the stomach.I have just eaten some rice krispies as I feel so sick all the time I don't want to eat much.I am getting worried that it's something to do with my bowels and not a virus at all as why would they sound like this?.I feel a feeling in my throat all the time and I am belching a lot as well.Does anybody think I have got something serious as I really feel bad and it's making it worse.

No you haven't got anything serious. The bowel will make this noise especially if there is nothing for it to do. What do you class as a very high temp?

26-09-08, 12:13
My temperature was 39 degrees and I still felt cold inside.I posted my thread this morning and soon after went to the loo and had a really bad explosive diarrhoea attack.I have been sipping Diorlyte today to replace any fluids as the nausea has subsided a little but not altogether.I have washed my hair and had a bath to make me feel more human (lol).

My husband said that a virus would probably make me feel this way and probably result in loose motions,I hope he is right. I am just worried as I weighed myself as well and the scales are telling me I am 3 pounds lighter than at the beginning of the week,however I haven't been eating much so maybe that's the reason.Sorry to bore folk but I always worry when I am ill.

26-09-08, 12:18
hiya hun, i think u prob got a virus and need a few days to rest up, if u r abit poorly sometimes we dont want food so dont panic, just make sure you get enough fluids in you and u will be fine.

also when we are ill, it makes us run down and feel low, giv it a few days and u will feel better. hugs to u xxxx

26-09-08, 12:24
It sounds to me like you have a virus
make sure you drink lots of fluid and just try small light meals if you can handle them.
you dont have to force yourself to eat at this time but keeping your fluid level good is important
Your gut area will make noises like that if it aint got much to go throught it.
take parahcetolmal every four hours for the temp and any aches you may have and try to stay rested.
I hope you feel better soon and plz try not to worry about it to much
at the moment there are lots of bugs and virusies going around

take care.

26-09-08, 16:11
My temperature was 39 degrees and I still felt cold inside.I posted my thread this morning and soon after went to the loo and had a really bad explosive diarrhoea attack.I have been sipping Diorlyte today to replace any fluids as the nausea has subsided a little but not altogether.I have washed my hair and had a bath to make me feel more human (lol).

My husband said that a virus would probably make me feel this way and probably result in loose motions,I hope he is right. I am just worried as I weighed myself as well and the scales are telling me I am 3 pounds lighter than at the beginning of the week,however I haven't been eating much so maybe that's the reason.Sorry to bore folk but I always worry when I am ill.

You will loose weight because of fluid loss. Viruses can be quite nasty but not to worry I am sure you will be OK very soon.

26-09-08, 18:13
Thanks for all your replies,I have just eaten some chicken soup and managed to get half the bowl down.I went to the loo and it wasn't as bad as this morning so that might be the diorlyte working.I will only take plenty of fluids as I don't think I can stomach any more food tonight,I will read my book and just rest.Thanks again for all your advice it is much appreciated,you all think it's a virus so it's just me panicking again as usual(lol).

26-09-08, 18:25
6 months ago my husband and I both caught the norovirus which is the most severe gasto bug there is!! We had very high temps - diarrhea that was indescribable - ached all over- felt and were very sick coulnd't even drink water as it immediately set off the diarrhea and sickness and felt very dizzy and faint. It took 5 days for the worst to be over and another 3 days before we dare go outside as we kept feeling so faint.

I have never had a tummy bug that was as bad as this or lasted so long.

We didn't see Dr at the time but I told her later and she said if you still have darrhea after 6 days then take a sample to dr for checking that its not food poisoning. Keep drinking the rehydration fliuids if you can. We coulnd't eat much for nearly 10 days and I lost about 6lbs in weight - soon put it back on though!

26-09-08, 18:41
When I was nursing I picked up dysentery off a patient. I didn't realise I had 'it' until I could no longer stand up because my blood pressure was so low. I was rushed to casualty and admitted into hospital. I was in there for a few weeks then I had to go home (I was living in the nurses home). I was off work for 6 months because that's how long it took for the bowel to be clear of the bug.!! I would never want to get that again.