View Full Version : Stress easier to cure?

Malton Seadog
26-09-08, 08:27
I think I've just realised my anxiety is due to stress, and isn't just random as I thought it was.

Over the past year or two, my parents have split up, I've been held back a year at University, I've gone from seeing my girlfriend every day to seeing her once a week and I've moved home to live with my mum where I get bored and lonely compared to Huddersfield where I spoke to 100s of people every week.

All this adds up to stress in my opinion.

Now - this week, I've had a stinker. I've not slept well and I've had anxiety for anything up to 8 hours a day BUT...

Last night - I got an email regarding an unofficial magazine I edit. It was from a TV company wanting to feature my mag on a TV programme they're producing.

INSTANTLY, my anxiety went. Like a flash, it was gone. It has not yet returned from 6pm last night to 8:25am this morning.

So do you think that's all it took? One bit of good news to even the keel slightly and give me a more balanced good/bad ratio?

I'm not saying my anxiety has gone - that'd ludicrous - and I may well have a few episodes today, but to say that the stress has lifted significantly is an understatement!

I was laughing and grinning and dancing around the house last night. It's the first time I've felt truly myself for weeks. What a feeling!

What do you think guys? If it IS stress, will a few good changes in my life pretty much sort me out?

28-09-08, 02:42
Hi hun :D:hugs:

It has taken me a very long time to understand by own panic, anxiety, I am panic, high anxiety free because of this great site,, I do believe that learning about other people has helped me soo much. Blimey, anxiety is such a comlexed thing, we may have all the same symptoms, but, what brought us to panic, anxiety and whats keeping it is defferent for us all. That is why it can be sooo hard to get better because the reasons for it staying there is sooooo different for us all.

It is great to hear you have found where your anxiety has come from I do believe, if we can find a reason, this helps us move on a little. WELL DONE

I must admit, your thread made me smile, by you getting this news, this has changed your thought pattens soooooo much, WOW, it just goes to show the power of the mind, does'nt it?

It IS possible that all that stress caused your anx and then what happens because you don;t understand where is has come from you end up on the roundabout of anxiety, thinking sleeping anxiety, your thougts and life all goes round anxiety, you thought pattens ARE Mmmm, baybe 80% anxiety and the rest normal life OR it could have been a higher persentige, to turn this around to normal can be sooooo hard when you are on that roundabout and feel stuck in the middle of it all.

Hunny, I do believe that it is possible for anxiety to turn around like that (dealing with my daughter, I know its possible, I have seen this happen) but hunny, please try and stay positive, no matter what happens, feel this mood your are in now, ITS PROF that there IS a you outthere WITHOUT anxiety. This is prof, that, if news like this can lift you like this, imagin if you can harness this feeling and keep it with you always. It IS prof, that ditraction and having something good come into your life, CAN, change the way you feel.

YES, hun, if it stress a few good positive changes in your life will go along way towards your recovery.


Anxiety is most strangest thing I have EVER seen, never underestermate how you can recover, ALWAYS think that ANYTHING is possible, because IT IS. I am still gobsmaced myself at this illness, it never ceases to amaze me, what it does and how quickly things can change, EVEN for the better.

The mind IS powefull thing, you have just proven to yourself, just how powefull it is, GOOD NEWS and BANG the anxiety gone, It does having you thinking.

I wish this to continue for you hun :hugs:

Please let us know how things go, ohh HAPPY to hear your good news hun, hay, I would be dancing too :yahoo: