View Full Version : eating worry

26-09-08, 12:00
Towards the end of july i had a bad stage with eating.i use to wake up every morning feeling starving but really sick and weak..really didnt feel like eating but i use to force ready brek down so i knew id ate something...but weirdly i still felt hungry like i hadnt eaten anything in the first place..i went to the docs and he said it was a mixture of a viral infection and the lovely anxiety!!for the next few days id wake up feeling the same and throughout the day id gradually start to feel better and id just eat butties.i managed to get my eating back to normal.but still woke up in the morning feeling empty.its still the same now and this morning i ate some toast then as i was getting hungry to eat some dinner i started thinking horrid thoughts like "what if i cant eat it. i feel too sick to eat it. that horid bug coming back etc.." well anyway iv eaten some curly fries now but i still feel hungry..i know its not mager but im still a little worried i keep thinking it might be an eating disorder..but then i calm down and think its just anxiety!!arghhh..please help....thanks xx

26-09-08, 12:21
hiya if i get anxious i dont feel like eating, also if u been abit poorly u will perhaps not want food so dont panic.

just make sure u get 3 meals a day and try and make sure u get foods like fibre which will fill u up and also green veg and protein chick, eggs etc.

dont worry once u feel better so will your appetite, hugs to u xxx

26-09-08, 12:22
Hey titch, I wonder if you can be getting some blood sugar ups and downs which is combining with your anxiety to make you feel even more anxious. I know when I don't eat good stuff regularly I feel more anxious. Lots of toast and bread all the time isn't great for your blood sugar. Especially in the morning, try to have something that will release energy slowly - porridge is great (I have mine with sultanas and sunflower seeds) or an egg with a piece of wholemeal toast. Chuck in a piece of fruit and maybe some yoghurt and you've got a well-balanced breakfast. For lunch and dinner I'd go for some protein - eggs, or a piece of chicken, fish, meat or a pile of mushrooms or some tofu - lots of fresh veg and a little bit of starch on the side like a piece of wholemeal bread, pasta or spuds. Protein makes you feel fuller for longer than bread or chips. Works for me anyway :winks:.

26-09-08, 12:29
Leebee has given you some great advice
the food you are eating will get consumed by your tummy acid to fast
and things like to much bread will leave you feeling tierd
vary your diet in small amount to start with.
friut and yoghurt are great along with chicken and fish salad