View Full Version : Passing out :(

26-09-08, 13:05
I passed out 3 times today and woke up not knowing what has happened and ending up all over the place, and I keep getting strange feelings inside my head causing me to get dizzy, which is making me pass out, it feels like someone is ripping my head open alive, it's really intense and very painful and my vision blurs, and plus it's making me worry yet again therefore making me throw up. I really can't cope with my problem anymore! I'm going doctors again and I'm not leaving till they are serious about me and want to help me.

Anyone ever had the same issue?

Tina A
26-09-08, 13:15
Hi Hayley. Sorry you are having such a rotten time at the moment. I haven't had this particular symptom, although many of us on this site get strange feelings inside our heads from time to time, and it is just down to anxiety rather than anything life threatening. If you are physically passing out I would suggest you see your doc to check it out and just make sure you haven't got a virus or something like that which needs treating.

Hope you feel much better very soon! Txx

26-09-08, 14:18
Hi Haley,
so sorry to hear your having a bit of a rough time of it lately. Stupid anxiety does some horrible things. I think Tina gave some fab advice re the passing out. Could be something as simple as anaemia that is causing the passing out/dizzyness. I have suffered with anaemia on and off for a few years and it makes me feel terrible.
good on you for going to get it sorted.

26-09-08, 14:28
considering u have been through alot hun, u come across as very strong and yes u go to docs and demand help matey, its your right xxx

26-09-08, 14:38
Classic panic attack

This has happened to me but you should tell your Dr what's going on. Good luck
Oh and the pain in your head is the Muscle straining/spasm, it feels awful