View Full Version : Some Advice Please - Scared Silly!!

Tina A
26-09-08, 13:07
Hi everyone. Sorry to bother you but I have a new symptom which is scaring me witless!

I was on the train to work yesterday when I suddenly got a really strange "buzzing" in my head - not a sound, but a very strong vibration feeling - almost as if 2 electrical wires had come together and sparked. This threw me straight into panic mode, which was handy as I had another hour on the train! Finally got into work and other than a headache which I still have and feeling a bit wobbly (normal after a pa) I wasn't too bad.

I hoped it was a one off, but this morning on the phone at work it happened again, really strongly, and my own voice echoed inside my head. I had to carry on the conversation, which was probably a good thing as I couldn't panic, but felt wobbly afterwards, and now feel unbalanced and as if I am swaying all the time, with a really muzzy head.

Has anyone had this? Is it just yet another anxiety symptom which I can safely ignore, or should I see the doc? I haven't been for about 4 years as I was told that the worst thing I can do for Health Anxiety is to keep going to the doctor for reassurance......

Sorry to ramble on, but I have learned to ignore most of the symptoms most of the time, and I am lucky enough that after 9 years of this I still lead a pretty normal life, which I know many of you can't always - but this one feels quite different and is really making me scared.

Your comments would be really appreciated. Thanks and Love. Txx:yahoo:

26-09-08, 13:11
Hi Tina sorry to here your not so good.It could well be part of the anxiety,or maybe a migrain.Im not reall ymuch help.I hope someone can give you a more positive reply.
Maybe seeing your gp,they can at least put your mind at ease.:hugs:

Tina A
26-09-08, 13:18
Thanks Yorkylover - I think you are probably right but after so long it goes against the grain!! Still, better safe than sorry, eh?

Thanks for replying so quickly - let me know if I can be of any help to you anytime.


26-09-08, 13:37
Sorry to hear you are not doing so well. This might help a little. I also have the same feeling go through my head. Mine starts out with what feels like a buzz throughout my head and then it gets really tight for about 5 minutes. After all is said and done my legs get jelly like and I feel as though I might fall over, not faint, but like my legs wont hold me up. I have gone to the doctor and had every test done. Nothing was wrong but nxiety. I was told this is a symptom that takes a while to go away. I try not to let it scare me but sometimes it gets the better of me. Who wouldnt get rattled when there balance goes haywire. Anyway, I hoped this helped a little. Write me if I can help any. Take care.

Cathy V
26-09-08, 13:42
Tina i had this some years ago and you're the only other person ive heard describe it as exactly how i felt it...the vibration and like an electrical 'buzz' just for a few secs. It only ever happened every once in a while and i didnt mention it to anyone at the time, funnily enough my anxiety and panics were at their strongest then and i always talked about all the other symptoms but never this one. But some time later i suffered with my first migraine attack, and even though i dont get these electrical 'buzzes' any more the migrains stuck around!

Cathy xxx :)

Tina A
26-09-08, 19:31
Thanks to Gtrgrl3369 and Cathy for your replies. It does seem as if this might just be another one of those things I need to learn to ignore! Amazing how they keep coming when you think you've had them all....!

Cathy, I'm hoping this won't turn into migraine - I used to have them a lot years ago and thought I'd grown out of them - horrible things so I'm sorry you still suffer with them. Fingers crossed my headache will stay just a headache.

Hugs and Thanks to both of you, and Yorkylover - be well! Txx:hugs: