View Full Version : Nausea

26-05-05, 12:58
hi there

i am a gad sufferer and have been experiencing constant nausea for the past couple of days.

the thing is, my wife had a stomach bug recently and I guess i may have caught that, but I was wondering if nausea could be a symptom of anxiety? Has anyone experienced this?

My wife was really ill with the bug - throwing up for 24 hours, but I haven't thrown up once - my body doesn't seem to want to be sick.

Just wondering if I really have a bit of a bug or if the bloomin anxiety is starting to play more tricks on me! The thing is, my physical symptoms have always been in my head before, never really had any chest or stomach symptoms related to anxiety before.


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

26-05-05, 13:02
Hi Gareth,
Nausea is deff a symptom of anxiety and stress, probebly one of the most common i'd say.
I suffer nausea a lot it's all down to the acid in the stomach when we get anxious the stomach produces more acid and in turn makes us feel a bit nauseas, it's harmless and will subside i'm sure if you try to worrying about it, vicious circle realy i know but do try and i'm sure it will improve.

Take care
sharon xxxxx

26-05-05, 13:03
Hi Gareth,

Nausea is definatly a symptom of anxiety, I experience this, esp when my anxiet levels are high.

Having said that, if youve not had it before and your wife has been ill, it may be that youve picked up the bug.

See how you feel in a few days.

Tatty B xx

26-05-05, 13:06
Hi Gareth, i know you said your symptoms have so far only been in your head but it doesn`t mean they`ll stay there . If it was a bug you would definitely be throwing up by now . Maybe you were worried you may get a bug yourself?

27-05-05, 11:58
Hey Gareth, I take Panic attacks and this is definately a symptom as I suffer from it, I usually be sick though and think it's the most horrible symptom to have, Hope you start feeling better:D

27-05-05, 12:13
Lots of us get nausea - it is a very common symptom. I think with most people it comes and goes. I get it about once a week but some people do get it more often..:D

27-05-05, 16:31
Hi Gareth,

Very common..
Extra gas being produces with anxiety and not being released coupled with general churniness = nausea.

If you can keep yourself well burped it helps enormously. I used swigs of tonic water to aid the burp flow ..


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