View Full Version : Please dont frighten me !

26-09-08, 13:15
I keep reading about these skipped heart beats ! I have had them on and off now for about 8-10 years, sometimes they can be with me all day, sometimes i can get rid of them soon as they start. I have only ever read about them in books ect, so i have just learnt to live with them, they dont really bother me that much. But ! whilst ive been reading the threads on here, i notice that a lotof you say that you have been for ecg'S tests ect, and that your results are all fine. I can not go to my Doctors about this, i certainly can not go for any tests, i just cant ! so i have not had any checks to confirm my palps are harmless. Do you think its related to my anxiety or not ? im really worried that it isnt now and theres some thing wrong woth my heart, Is there any one else who lives with these but has not been for the test ? please dont let it just be me ! :lac: Thanks Sarah x

26-09-08, 13:27
Hi Sara

Most skipped heart beats and palpitations don't have anything to do with the physiology of the heart. In most cases, it's the stomach area that is the culprit. It can be as simply gas moving about in you stomach that can cause it.
For years I had missing heart beats and palpitations. I even spent a couple of overnight stays in hospitals due to palpitations. I had ECG's, heart scans, but they found nothing wrong with my heart. Believe it or not, what was causing it was having my belt too tight around my stomach. Ever since I stop wearing my belt tight I've had no problems with missing heart beats or palpitations. Just goes to show how something so simple can cause this problem.


26-09-08, 13:28
I've had them during times of stress for many years. Oddly enough, given my health anxiety, they've never really bothered me and I've never had them checked out beyond mentioning them to my GP about 18 years ago when I first had HA relating to a testicular lump. All part of the anxiety she said, so I've paid them little attention since. Certainly haven't had them specifically checked out. Hope this is some reassurance.:flowers:

Tina A
26-09-08, 13:29
Hi Sarah, If you have been reading posts on this site about palps, ectopics etc. you will see that loads of us have had them for ages, even years like you - but we are all still here - as are you! This really makes it unlikely that you have a problem with your heart, and they will be caused by anxierty. The thing about getting the tests done is that you then have that little bit of extra reassurance that there is nothing seriously wrong.

If you don't feel you can go to your gp at the moment, can you give it some thought and maybe get a supportive someone to go with you?

I think you would probably feel better if you did, but then again, pot/kettle - I don't go either!! Hope you feel better soon, whatever you decide.


26-09-08, 13:32
Hi Sarah,

I'm sure there are lots of people who have not been for any tests. The 'avoidance' is a classic part of anxiety. I'm just worried for you, that by not having them checked out, you are feeding your anxiety further (fear of the unknown)... as you probably convince yourself that there is something wrong. I guess you have to ask yourself what it is about going to the docs that makes you so scared? Fear of what you think they will find?

There are very easy tests to check your heart rythmns... I recently had a 24 our ECG, and even though I had some chest symptoms, palpitations etc, they told me that when I had these symptoms there was no abnormal heart activity.

I myself wanted to have the tests, to know what exactly was going on in my body. hopefully some people who haven't had the tests and have managed to reduce their fears by themselves will be able to get in touch with you and give you some advice.

All the best.

26-09-08, 13:36
hey missy hun i have not been for any ecg or other tests and i have suffered these for twenty yrs so i figure if it was anything serious it would of hurt me by now its just anxiety u hear people all the time who get a fright an say my heart skipped a beat there thats just more for us because of our anxiety dont worry chick xxx

26-09-08, 13:48
Hi Missy,

Nothing to worry about! Ectopics are harmless and like everyone else has said, you are still here aren't you!? :D

I used to have the ectopics as well, now they don't really happen all that often. In fact, my heart anxiety was so bad that I ended up in the emergency room once, of course, everything was perfectly normal and there was nothing wrong with me. :blush: I also agree with what Dazza is saying. By not actually going to have this checked out you might be fuelling the symptoms and your anxiety.

What really made a difference for me is the fact that I did go to my GP and insisted that I see a cardiologist. After a battery of tests (multiple blood works and ECGs, Stress test, echo and 7 day Holter) everything came back normal. The cardiologist reassured me that there was nothing wrong with my heart. After that, gradually I stopped paying attention to the ecotpics and stopped getting panicky even if I got one or two. In time, they "magically" disappeared.:yesyes:

26-09-08, 15:31
Thank you all for your help and advice, its much appreciated. Still dont feel i can go to the doctors though ! I do feel reassured with what you have all said, so if anything happens its all yours lots fault !!! he he he only joking ! really thanks for your help. Sarah

27-09-08, 00:11
Hey sarah, I've had a couple of brief moments hooked up to an ECG, but only when I've had a panic attack and ended up in A&E :blush:. On both occasions the docs have clearly not seen anything on the ECG to worry them and have sent me home with a "don't have caffeine" warning. Funnily enough, I don't get ectopics when my heart is racing through exercise or panic, only when I'm sitting around relaxed. I have been worried about it having had a few bouts of ectopics recently but everything I've read has reassured me that they really normanl and nothing to worry about. Also - this is completely unscientific - but I've found that when I'm eating more potassium-rich foods like bananas and avacados then I'm less likely to get them.

27-09-08, 00:47
Do you know that Over half the population have silent, or asymptomatic, ventricular ectopics? It's very common and completely harmless. I guess if you are anxious then it does cause concern.
