View Full Version : looking for help with my anxiety, any ideas??

26-05-05, 14:07
Dear all

I have not been around since the winter it seems. Well I have been struggling with some things.
I am basically here today to ask advice for any experts out there who may read this as I am getting very dispondant and despairing trying to get help for my problem.

I have been suffering on and off with severe anxiety disorder for around 15 years now. For the last 3 years since I was made redundant , and now since last summer, my problem has become much more severe as I battle with issues: legal, financial, not being able to fond work, and general unhappiness and feeling of being trapped.

I have been refereed by my GP to the local mind back in september 2004 but still no joy. I have looked nto private counselling, and tried it for a couple for weeks but at £20/hr found it too expensive to carry on ( I have not been able to find work cos of my illness and am still awaiitng to her about any benefits which I applied for 2-3 months ago).

At the moment I have free acupuntre once per week with my GP. I don’t want to take "artificial" medications, although have been on valium for a couple of weeks after being taken in ambulance to hospital with panic attack. And 2 weeks ago I have been taken ill in the street with panic attack and again ambulance was called.

I am 41, generrally physically fit, take regular exercise, watch my diet. I am just now starting voluntary work to see if I can handle being out of the house ( I have a postal delivery phobia which has been making it hard for me to get out) I am single and live alone, and very lonely
In the lst few months I have lost 10kg in weight from stress. I find my mind increasingly confused, for e.g. typing now, does not feel like my hands. I have previously experienced hallucinations, and voices in my head. I get very severe panic and anxiety attacks.

I have been referred by GP to nhs pyscistrist but they said I was not pychotic so unable to take me on.

So if anyone has any ideas out there. I am currently finding out about self-help groups, and holistic remedies, but do feel very let down by medical services so far.

I am desperate to get better and get working again as I have huge debts, and am worried about homelessness.

I recognise I have a mental health problem and feel that counselling is not the best answer for me. If anyone out there knows of any cognitive behavioural therapists for e,g. that cater for unemployed.

I should also say, my mother and sister are doing their best to give me support but I do realise it is very difficult for them and I feel awful that all this is also effecting their health.

Very much thank you for reading this, I am getting incresingly desperate. Thanks


29-05-05, 02:10
hi oshun,

i thought i'd reply to your post although im not an expert but just another sufferer.

you seem to be doing all the right things for yourself, unfortunately recovery takes as long as it takes, try and keep your chin up.

i think the £20 a hour is the cheapest 'private' counselling you'll find, hopefully when your referral to 'mind' is sorted out they will be able to offer you free counselling. also you can always post questions here on this forum, go into the chatroom for advice. if you look at the links page 'no panic' also offer affordable self help things.

if you do feel your losing touch with reality abit, try not to isolate yourself, keep in touch with your family, use the forum and chatroom, try the voluntary work ( good luck with that ) - dont forget to look after yourself and eat.

chase up whats happening about your benefits. i know its easier said than done to say not to worry about debts but concentrate your efforts on getting yourself better. it might be helpful if you read tips on how to cope with panic attacks as well.

you can recover, you take care ... andrew

30-05-05, 03:06
Hi Oshun

This feeling of depersonalization is quite normal.
It can make you feel as if your hands are not your own.

My CPN informs me it is also normal to "hear voices".

You should have no problems claiming Disability Living Allowance. However I am not sure what sort of rate you can expect. Low assistance for getting around (mobility) and possibly middle rate for help with personal care.

It can take a while to come through, but it should help a little bit.

Your local MIND should have a list of Self Help Groups.
I know there is quite a long waiting list to recieve MIND assistance.
I waited for nearly a year, for a worker to become available.

I personally would contact your CPN or GP and see if a STRworker service is available in your area. (Both MIND and STR's are free.)

In the meantime try to find something to keep you busy.
This can be anything from colouring in to gardening. (These help me a great deal. - Plants on your window sill are great if you don't have a garden or are having troubles going outside.)

If all else fails have a word with your local Citizen's Advice - they will be able to give you help with money matters and self help groups in your area.

Good Luck

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

01-06-05, 18:39
Hello Oshun,

I'm so glad you posted once again.

It's a positive thing that you look after yourself health-wise and that you now do some voluntary work. I too live alone and am on that long recovery path and so can relate to some of the pain. Incidentally, I started my first spot of voluntary work yesterday!

Regarding your debt problems, do you know of Martin Lewis' page - he's an independent money saving expert who has a regular spot on Jeremy Vyne's Radio 2 show. Here's a link but with all your issues a trip to Citizens Advice may be the key.

The charity No Panic do some free CBT and so this may well help you. Here is their link http://www.nopanic.org.uk/menu.htm

I hope your benefits can be sorted out soon and things progress in general.

Why not join us in the chatroom which tends to get busy from around 8.30 or so. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/lounge/chat/chat.html

We are all sufferers in there and there and talk about anything including anxiety. I'm sure it will help your lonlieness.

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

06-06-05, 11:39
hello, i dont know if you will read this message again but i wanted to thank the kind people that responded to my message.

i haven't yet chased up all the advice and all the links yet, but it is good to know you are out there.

also thanks for the comments about depersonalisation and voices in my head, i was getting pretty scared.

big hugs to all of you xx oshun

07-06-05, 00:33
Hi Oshun

Just read your post.

You have had a really hard time and although you are getting lots of support you still need more.

You are suffering so dont do it alone and let us help you.

Would love to hear more from you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.