View Full Version : scared of everything!

26-05-05, 14:11
I'm scared to go to bed, 'cos i wake nervous, scared to get up, 'cos i feel scared and dizzy, scared if the doorbell rings, the telephone rings, if anyone visits,am finding it impossible to go out right now! I am even scared and nervous sitting here now, can't understand why? Nothing major has happened, nothing major that i have to do, i'm shaky, scared and fed up, sorry to have gone on, thanks for listening

26-05-05, 14:25
carlin, hello

so sorry you are feeling that way.

i have to say i have had all of those excat fears you mention for any specific reasons either. so if it helps you to know there is someone else out there who has experienced the same. :)

how long have you been feeling like this?

are you normally working/ student/at home?

have you spoken to anyone about how you are feeling? like your doctor or a good freind or relative?

i know the horrible trapped feelig that you must be going thru. i dont know if its a good idea but i did the following to get a little of my life back:

i disconnected the doorbell, unplugged the landline, and changed the sim card on my mobile. tho i did make sure i told a couple of people close to me 1st before i did these things just so they would not worry and knew where i was. now slowly but surely i have given a few very trusted people my mobile number, but even so, i hardly ever switch it on.

there was a time before things got so fast and stresssful when phones had not been invented, and what did people do then?? did the world colapse cos there were no phones ?:)

well just a thought. i hope this has helped, i really know what you are feeling,

take care and do look after yourself


26-05-05, 14:26
Hi Carlin,

So sorry you are feeling so bad hun.

I get days when i'm really scared and nervous pretty much an emotionl wreck at times.

It's just the anxiety and mr Panic poping up to test you. Just a blip thats all.

I know it's hard but try your best to ignore. try distracting yourself with anything to take your mind of it.

Perhaps pamper yourself listen to a relaxation cd and keep thinking calm gentle peaceful thoughts and be strong and tell yourself this will pass. Just takes time & small steps.

Take care i hope you feel better soon.

Big Hug to you,


Sue K with 5
26-05-05, 15:05

I know how hard it is to deal with all those feeling you have at the moment, epsecially when there is no obvious reason for you to be feeling like this,

Sometimes we are standing around enjoying the moment and WAM!!!! anxiety and panic suddenly take over our mind and bodies and out of nowhere you are in the middle of all these awful feeling!! I agree that relaxation is a great idea, if its possible for you to relax, another way which I find helps, is to take yourself out of the place you are standing and lay down and think of a soft sunny environment where the children are playing and you are having some fun, sounds daft but it does work. I even imagine winning the lottery sometimes and I spend it with my children, (its a great way of taking yourself out of reality)

You should see the houses I buy!!!:D

This is a brilliant place to be and Nic and the guys are the best in guiding and help you through this

Stick with no panic and you will get through it

Sue with the 5 children


26-05-05, 15:13

I know exactly what you mean - its waring feeling scared of everything.

It feels like that's how you feel all the time but actually you don't really, its just we seem to forget the good days while the bad ones seem so easy to dwell on. Like all bad patches it will pass.

"Its only a thought and thoughts can be changed"

Love Piglet

26-05-05, 17:19
Hi Carlin, sorry to hear your not feeling so good, i will pm you later.
I know exactly how you fel I get times like this ,and at the time you think it will go on for ever and then the feeling goes as quick as it came,take care for now, Love Alexis,
PS bet you wouldnt be scared if you heard the door and knew it was MY rod, i still love him more than you, x

26-05-05, 17:35
Hi Carlin,

Sorry you're having a bad time, it hits us like this sometimes and it's awful.

I hope you feel better soon.


26-05-05, 19:51
hi Carlin,

My anxiety also tends to come out of nowhere. Just remember that these feelings can't hurt you..

Sarah :D

26-05-05, 23:20
Oh how familiar that sounds

It is only short of a year ago that I was in EXACTLY the same boat.

Thank god for 1471. I NEVER answered the phone when my mum was away, prefering instead to 1471, and calling the person back, pretending I was in the bath and couldn't get to the phone in time.

I was scared to stop in on my own, hated the nights, couldn't face going out with my mates, felt ill when I didn't eat, but was frightened to eat, in fact everything that you are going through now.

I'm very pleased to say that in general, and on most days, I am over it, and continue to improve daily (although this weekend, I am house sitting, it is the weekend of the charity event I run, and my friend is coming up from Bristol to help. She is stopping with me, but we are stopping at the house that I am looking after. For some inexplicable reason, this bothers me quite badly.

I have no easy answer, or cure, but I can say, that if you set your stall out to slowly, steadily and progressively face your fears, eventually, these fears begin to lessen and finally fade into the background.

Luckily, I can't remember exactly how I felt, mentally I have blocked these feelings out, but I do remember that it was a particularly horrendous period of my life, that I wouldn't, and am determined not to, repeat, nor would I wish it on my worst enemy.

Start by opening your mail. Answer the phone. The door, whatever is the least of your fears, and no matter how bad you feel, keep doing it. Do NOT worry if you have a bit of a blip, and find yourself regressing.

Keep a diary of all the positive things you have done, and try and push the negative to the back, focusing on the successful challenges, however small, the tiniest challenge faced is a step forward.

No matter what, remember that with patience and determination, these fears are very definitely overcomable. And, if it makes you feel any better, are incredibly common.

Hope you are feeling better soon


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

27-05-05, 09:38
Hi Carlin

That is just how i was, and i know how hard it is. A feeling that you are alone as it isnt the same through out the day where you can go out, call a friend. But you know you have us and there is always someone around later at night.

The feeling of waking up and how you describe is horrible, but you can overcome it.

I used to lock my bedroom door in fear that when i woke how you say i would go mad and hurt Sam.

I would lie and hold the pillow like it was my only life line so i do understand how you feel. I started to take more time before bed on myself, chilled bath, chilling music and anything that would help me.

It took time but it worked and the night fears seemed to fade away, although slowly.

In time hun it will for you too. Keep talking and we will help you all we can and dont forget you are not alone and i honestly think that is one of the biggest benefits i found through it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-05-05, 14:27
Thank you everyone for your replies, i have read them several times and i really have taken on board everything that was said, sometimes, i think i need a bit of a re-assurance and understanding, hubby gets a little fed up at times (as do we all), he still can't seem to understand how a 50 year old women with four children, finds it difficult to cross a road, that's if i can get to the road in the first place! thank you again for being so understanding and sympathetic. xxxxxxxxxx

27-05-05, 19:21
HI Carlin, we all need reassurance sometimes, I seem to need double doses quite often, glad it has helped,
Love Alexisxxx
He is still my MAN Carlin, xxx