View Full Version : cracked tooth

26-09-08, 23:44
hey everyone, today i noticed that one of my back teeth has a bit cracked off and i'm really freaking out about it. i am going to book a dentist appointment monday but i am terrified of going because i havn't been for about 3 or 4 years and i keep thinking that i'm gonna need 5 fillings, i probably have gum disease coz i noticed my gums are a real red colour.
i'm really panicky has anyone had this before? could it be serious? i'm so scared. any advice?
Please reply
Many Thanks

27-09-08, 00:12
Hi Louise:hugs:

Please dont panic:lac:

Dunno how long it is since you have been to the dentist but they wont hurt you:) Tell tham you are scared and they will be cool I promise:yesyes:

Im just about to have 13 teeth removed under sedation and Im ok with it

PM me if you wanna chat

Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-09-08, 10:51
heya sounds like nothing ive had a few problems with my gums.. it was never anything serious the only thing i needed to do was to use a mouth wash the dentist gave me and in a few days all better.. you will be fine im sure dont worry :bighug1:

27-09-08, 12:12
your be fine you see wish you better

29-09-08, 11:47
hey i still havn't booked an appointment well the trouble is i don't actually have a dentist so my dad is gonna try and get me in at the surgery he goes to. but i'm terrified of going as part of my tooth is broken off, i have no idea what they are going to say. so many thoughts are running through my mind like that i might have gum disease coz my gums don't look normal, i might need a lot of work and i have no idea how to pay for it, that i'm gonna get shouted at for the amount of coke i drink. i'm so so scared.
please reply
luv louise