View Full Version : newbie hasnt got a clue

27-09-08, 01:53
im on propranolol have been since my 1st panic attack but the early hours of last monday i woke up and started with one i had 3 of them almost one a fter the other i got in the doctors and i broke down in tears i felt a fool he has now put me on citolpram 20mg and diazipam 5mg iam taking them but i dont like the idea of having them all, does anyone know why im having the panic attacks at night and early hours when i think im most relaxed :blush: and what help the tablets will give me xxx

so jems like
27-09-08, 05:51
I've only had two really big panic attacks & that was in the beginning. I've been suffering from anxiety for about 3 months now & I'm doing SO much better than before. In the beginning I didn't know what I had and what I was dealing with. I got more scared and everything was new to me. So it makes sense that I had a lot of questions. I was on Lexapro for about 3 weeks. I believe that it helped me become more calm and I did have some symptoms even during the time I was taking the medicine. However, after the three weeks I didn't want to take anymore medication.

Try believing in yourself that you can overcome the attacks & your anxiety. It's hard at first, believe me I know, I think everyone on this site knows what you're going through. You're not alone. But, don't be afraid! The more you face this, the better you will be. It's only been 3 months & I've gotten better. Im only 18 & I started college and I am hours away from home & I have adjusted well! Try taking counseling. Even though you think it may not benefit you, it's always nice to talk to someone about your anxiety and just about anything. Try breathing techniques, stretch, get a massage, exercise. Do things you enjoy doing & take your mind off your anxiety! Think of your symptoms as medicine. Think of your symptoms as something that will make you feel better. Just relax & accept.

The two big panic attacks that I had were when I woke up from a sleep in the middle of the night and after a nap. I was curious as to why I got them after I woke up from my sleep. I realized it was because it is when you are the most relaxed, and your body isn't used to being so relaxed. Don't think that you can't sleep anymore or become relaxed because you're afraid that you might get another attack. Rest is essential ! Relaxation is important and your body has to get used to it again.

Sorry for writing so much.
Hope everything goes well!
Keep it up. Stay Strong.

milly jones
28-09-08, 23:20
welcome to our nmp family

love milly xx :blush:

28-09-08, 23:45
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x