View Full Version : dont stop worring about testicular cancer

chris q
27-09-08, 10:16
i have had it checkt 4 times but i keep geting a dule ake in there do any of you guys get this the doc thinks its all in my head pls help

27-09-08, 10:42
Unfortunately I suffer from this as well. It was how a lot of my problems started. If you have been checked out 4 times they would have found something if there was anything to find.

I now put it down to another one of those aches and pains caused by anxiety. I am sure that is what it is. I bet you find the more you worry or think about it the worse it gets. If you are busy you don't notice it? I am dealing with it by trying to sort out the anxiety and panic side of things and not worrying about the other aches and pains I get as I am sure the root of them all is anxiety.

There are a lot of places in the lower back/abs backside where muscle tension can refer straight to the testicles.

I see from you previous posts that you have some stomach pain. Have you discussed with your doctor the possibility of some sort of low grade urinary tract infection. Be aware that in men a low grade infection will not always show in a standard urine test. I have had a 12 week course of antibiotics to try and eliminate any chances of that being the problem. A bit of advice though if you do take antibiotics long term take probiotics as well or you will have stomach trouble. Also they seem to use Ciprofloxacin for this sort of problem. I would stay away from it. A consultant I spoke to called it Oral Domestos. It is horrible stuff with horrible side effects. I used Norfloxacin (Utinor) which had no side effects at all. The cipro made me really really ill.

Are you on any meds for anxiety? That has helped me a lot as well.

Could I also suggest it might be worth seeing an oesteopath (?) to get your hip/back alignment checked out. It is a very common problem apparently. I have had 4 sessions with one and it helped a lot. If nothing else some deep massage and manipulation will relieve any muscular tension. They are generally about £25-£30 per session.

Another thing to be very aware of is pelvic floor tension. If you are unintentionally tensing your stomach/abs or pelvic floor muscles as a reaction to the pain that can cause a lot of further pain. Try to relax the muscles. Buy a heat pad (£15 from argos) and use it - it helps.

And lastly and most importantly if you end up seeing urologists etc then don't believe everything they say. I have been told I have all sorts of long term problems with testicles/prostate etc and that I would just have to put up with the pain. That was NHS. I went private and got proper tests and a urologist that knew what she was talking about and she said I had been told rubbish.

DO NOT EVER GOOGLE!! If you google the symptoms you have you will end up a depressed wreck. Seriously.

If you want any more advice PM me as I have been right down this road. :)

chris q
27-09-08, 10:47
thank you so much i get so worred about this and with what you just said that really helpt me so thanks :D

chris q
28-09-08, 13:02
still geting the pain its driving me mad

28-09-08, 13:46
Try some Co-codamol or if you can get them from your doc co-dydramol work wonders.

Also try to stop thinking about it. The more you do the worst it will get.

You can try some of the stretches here


Don't think I am saying you have chronic pelvic pain 'cos you haven't!!

It is just that these stretch the areas/muscles that might be causing problems. Go gentle to start with tho.

28-09-08, 13:48
Maybe you just sat on it or somthing? hehe:hugs:

chris q
28-09-08, 15:24
i dont think so its been going on for quite some time