View Full Version : The dog Whisperer

Veronica H
27-09-08, 14:17
:) I have just been watching the dog whisperer on Skye 3. He talks about 'calm assertive energy', and how dogs live in the moment, not the past or the future. There are many parallels to be found in the programme between the way in which humans and animals cope with anxiety and fear. This is a really uplifting programme to watch.


27-09-08, 15:11
This is very true Veronica. I missed that program, but knowing these channels it will be on again soon :).
Possibly the worst thing human where gifted with is imagination. Unlike animal, we tend to create problems just by thinking about them. Animals - like you said Veronica - just live for the moment and don't dwell on things that can have a negative effect. We can learn a lot from our fury friends.


27-09-08, 19:19
I love the dog whisperer!!!!!