View Full Version : Headaches, help

27-09-08, 14:22

Does anybody else get headaches every day, and last all day. I had them for about 3 weeks and went to Doctors who diagnosed stress and prescribed me Fluoxetine, but this has seemed to have made the hadaches worse. I feel like the only person who has this all the time and fear they will never go away. Help!!!

27-09-08, 14:58
I had this before, where I'd have headaches that would not go away for several days... my doctor told me it was stress / migraines. They eventually stopped.

27-09-08, 15:40
Hello, sorry to hear about your headaches. I also get them but not as much now. For awhile there I had them everyday all day. I woke with them and wentto bed with them. They were so bad they were affecting my balance. I learned that mine were tension headaches. They gave me all kinds of pills for it but I didnt want to take them because then I would have to deal with the effects of those. I found out that when we are stressed we have a tendency to bunch our shoulders up and when we do that the nerve by the base of our necks becomes pinched and will stay that way until we can loosen up. The way to try and help this is to roll your shoulders and stretch you neck. Use heat and ice to help also and try not to grind your teeth. I wasnt even aware I was doing this until someone pointed it out. I hope this helps some. Take care.

27-09-08, 15:43
I get tension headaches, they can last for weeks, it is due to the muscle tension in my neck and shoulders. Sometimes my eyes feel so heavy they want to close, I just think this is another part of anxiety.
My doctor told me to try massage, I have also been going to the chriopracter that seems to help.


27-09-08, 17:56
HEY HUN!!i had them every day for about a week and a half i actually did a pos on here...do you need your eyes testing??as i known mine are worse because i need stronger lenses...xxx

27-09-08, 22:53
Thanks for all your replies, it really helps knowing there are other people out there who know what I am feeling. I had my eyes tested a couple of days ago, and they were fine, I was really kinda hoping it was my eyes then I could have been like 'oh great now I know what has been causing my headaches'. I think you tend to panic more when there doesn't seem to be a valid reason why this is hapening even tho I have been through loads of stress this year, I still keep thinking there must be something seriously wrong with me.

28-09-08, 09:09
You are so not alone on headaches.

I'm suffering with them again, had one since Thursday.

28-09-08, 12:19
I undertstand had one about the same times as you......it is a worry,Like you I am looking for reassurance this symptom will eventually go and how to achivev this ?

28-09-08, 14:54
They will go but if your like me, they will go when you have another symtom to focus on.

29-09-08, 09:17
my headache has now moved from right temple to left is this normal