View Full Version : Ear/face/temple pain

27-09-08, 14:35
Hi all

I have been suffering from ear and temple pain on and off for about 5 months. I also have tinnitus and dizziness all on my left side. The doctor says I have glue ear (I have had that for years) which explains the tinnitus and dizziness to some extent. It always gets worse when I have a cold, hayfever or go on a plane.

I also had a wisdom tooth nightmare where they tried to extract my top-left one in the dentist last December and it broke off. They had to leave it in for 8 months until I had the rest of it removed in the hospital at the end of July. I now have incredibly sensitive teeth on that side. I had a throat infection last week and my ear is worse than ever. My jaw is clicking and aching from my temple all the way down to just under my chin.

Every time I google my symptoms (I know I shouldn't!!), it says that all of my symptoms can be atributed to TMJ/TMD especially as I have had trauma with my wisdom tooth. The thing is, it also comes up with acoustic neuroma which I keep worrying about. I can't stop thinking about it.

Has anyone else had TMJ? What are the symptoms? Please help me!

27-09-08, 23:02
I have experienced all you are and with me its a mixture of tmj trouble and damaged neck. The damaged neck in itself can cause tmj problems and ear problems. I spent years convinced I had brain tumour and eventual mri proved I didn't but had terrible dizziness from constant feeling like walking on a bouncy castle to disabling vertigo attacks.

I know someone who had accoustic neuroma and she went very deaf in one ear suddenly and ent told me as I had perfect hearing that they did not expect to find neuroma on mri and sure enough nothing.

YOu have got so many things that could all account for your symptoms - have your explained to your Dr your fears about the acoustic neuroma and asked for an mri to reassure you??? I find if I explain my fears then my Dr will either send me for a test or discuss it if she thinks the test is really unecessary.

08-08-13, 17:53
I'm 17 and I suffer from the pain in my temple,eat and back if my head/neck its really worrying me I've had it for 3 weeks since I started my new job (hairdresser) the drs don't think its anything serious he said could be a damaged nerve in my neck & stress can cause that kind of pain? I'm still worried though xx