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View Full Version : Anyone near Woking or Guildford??

27-09-08, 16:48
Hey, is anyone living around the Woking or Guildford area of Surrey?

I've lost alot of friends through having agoraphobia/panic disorder....either from me constantly having to make excuses for not meeting with them and them giving up or them simply not understanding. So I'd love to make some new friends around here. Perhaps if someone is in a similar situation, we can help each other out by going on mini outings or something :)


28-09-08, 14:15
hello Nice to meet you,i feel exactley the same as you have lost friends because they dont really understand why i just dont go out with them,i suffer anxiety and panic attacks and now hardly go out anywhere!
feel free to pm me im here if you want to chat!looks like we have alot in commen even our username on here lol.:yesyes:

28-09-08, 17:01
I'm not far from Woking and have exactly the same problem, I hardly see anyone outside of work for the same reasons so if you need some help and which might in turn help me as well then I'm here.

29-09-08, 12:43
Thanks for your replies :)

It's hard isn't it, I can understand why other people find it so dificult to understand if they've never experienced it themselves...but that doesn't make it any easier for us right. Ooh spooky coincidence with the username Tracie :p hehe. That would be great Alan, thanks :) I'll get back to you both via pm very soooon! xxx

30-09-08, 19:22
Hi Everyone....
I live near Guildford, grew up in Woking. Im desperately seeking a group/someone to meet up with on a regular basis to make new friends and share a common problem, im worrying my boyfriend to death and my friends, as supportive as they are.....just dont get it....
Im in Hindhead nr Haslemere and Farnham if anyone is interested in meeting up and making a new friend/forming a local support group or already go to one I could join - please get in touch!

I dont come on this site very often but it really helps, i like to pretend im ok, then it hits again and i feel like a faliure....today im so fed up with feeling like this I feel ive got to take action and do something!!!

26-11-08, 16:50
Is anyone else near here? xxx

26-12-08, 17:16
southampton hope its not too far

09-01-09, 22:13
Hi, I don't come on here very often but this thread title caught my eye as I actually run a self-help group in Woking.

We are a small group that meet twice a month in the evenings just to talk over how we've been, what we find useful and our experiences generally. It is all pretty relaxed really.

We meet in the Cornerhouse which is a mental health resource centre we are lucky to have in Woking - there are other groups that meet in the day and evenings too. I'm actually going to join a life drawing class at the end of January at the Lightbox - it is free to all local people with mental health issues.

The group I run is called 'Release' and is for people with anxiety, panic, phobias, OCD, etc.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 14th January at 7.30pm (until 9) - hope you can come along!

09-01-09, 23:15

Im from just outside Guildford and am exeriencing exactly the same issues, when you alredy feel don and alone it makes it twice as hard when those close dont understand and lose contact :-(. Im definately up for meeting new people and making new friends even better that we all understand eachother :-).

Lots of love

01-08-09, 14:47
Just to say I'm from Woking too.

Due to the nature of work I don't get to see many of my friends so much, plus they're busy these days too, so interested in getting out a bit.

I'm into photography and mountain biking also (and ski on an annual basis).

15-08-09, 16:35
yeah, from Farnham area

15-08-09, 17:30
I'm in Guildford most of the time :)

25-08-09, 07:31
Ooooh Guildford my home town.:sad: I'm currently stuck in Horsham and trying so desperately to get a transfer back to Guildford. I've lived in Guildford all my life apart from 4 years - desperate is truly how I feel. I grew up in Shamley Green then moved to Guildford when I married (divorced 7 years later though!). I've went to school there, worked there, both my sons were born there. It's my home and the ache I feel to come home is so painful. Every day I cry. I have medical 'needs' but the local council are *******s and just won't listen. I need a 2-bed ground floor accommodation - I want to have a cat again - I want to be back where I lived so much of my life. I WANT TO GO HOME.

I have no friends here, no car anymore but would so love to meet up with others.

A lot of my overall chronic depression is due to where I'm living. I only moved to be closer to my mother prior to her death in 2007. Now I want to go home - back to Guildford. My eldest son lives there and my sister lives in Godalming (just down the road).

But if any of you feel like a meet-up in Horsham, it would be lovely to meet you.l

25-08-09, 07:53
Horsham's not so far away though. But I guess not having a car makes it quite a distance (what's public transport like? Hmm, second thoughts, I'm sure it's rubbish like everywhere else :D).

I grew up in Devon, and my parents are still down there. When I was there I always wanted to move away because it's boring for kids and takes forever to get anywhere. Now though I'd love to move down there again. Problem is I'd find getting work a lot harder. Woking is a rubbish town and expensive to live there, but it's a great base for an IT contractor like myself.

30-08-09, 00:29
i just moved to the farnham area recently. I'm finding it hard to meet ppl cos of my anxiety so i would love to meet up with some ppl who understand


29-08-15, 19:30
I know this is years later, but I live in Woking and feeling very lonely with my panic and anxiety. Anyone still about for contact?

03-10-15, 19:49
Hi, I am new here. I am in Aldershot

13-10-15, 09:59
I know this is years later, but I live in Woking and feeling very lonely with my panic and anxiety. Anyone still about for contact?

Hi, I'm from Guildford and looking at making new friends who actually understand and don't judge :)