View Full Version : Hi, can i join you?

28-09-08, 00:02
Hi All
I am new to this forum.
My name is Jade, i am 33, married for 4 years.
I have over the past year been suffering from anxiety, i suffered 3 miscarriages, which set off my anxiety. My symptoms which scare me to death are heart palpitations and skipped heart beats, i have had all tests done, found nothing.
Would love to talk to someone who suffers these as well.
Love Jade

28-09-08, 00:57
Hi Jade and :welcome: Will all understand how your feeling with the anxiety.You will get lots of support here.Im so sorry to hear of your miscarriages,Im sure there are others here that have shared your sad experiences and can offer lots of advise and support there to.:hugs:

28-09-08, 07:44
Hi Jade

:welcome:to the NMP forum


28-09-08, 10:19

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

28-09-08, 10:40
Hi Jade,

Of course you can join us... we gain strength from unity! :)

i've also have the symptoms that you describe, and I agree, any symptom that is related to / or we percieve to be related to the heart are probably the most distressing (for me at least).

Well, rest assued that you will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

Welcome to the NMP family! :hugs:

28-09-08, 11:03
Hi Jade and :welcome: to NMP. I too am 33 and have just been through a really bad period of anxiety. I have come through my darkest period (thank god!) but i know how easy it is to relapse. I still have the odd bad day and i'm not quite 100% better.....just yet!
I am so sorry to hear what you have been through and although i cannot help you deal with all the bad that has happened to you i'm certain you will find some lovely people here at NMP who have been through similiar experiences. If you ever need to talk, i am always around and feel free to send me a private message anytime. Take care and find comfort in the fact that you have found this great site. It has played a huge part in my recovery and everyone is soooo nice!

:) :winks: :shrug: :hugs: :yahoo: :D :flowers:

28-09-08, 11:57
hi welcome to the forum :welcome:

i think that heart palpitations and skipped heart beats are the most common symptoms of anxiety, i've had them for 13 years and they dont really bother me anymore as im so used to it (they used to set off panic but now i just notice it then get on with it) just takes a bit of time as with most symptoms once you realise and accept its only a symptom of anxiety and nothing more !!! it stops scaring you and happens less frequently :yesyes:

28-09-08, 12:05
Hi Jade

Of course you can join us, everyone is welcome. You will get lots of support and advice on here, I'm sure that will help your anxiety.

I'm sooo sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I've had one, so I know how badly it can affect anxiety levels.

Heart palpatations are very very common, it is just caused by the adrenalin increasing as your body prepares for flight or fight. Your heart works faster to get the blood round your body as it thinks it's going to have to fight or run from a danger. It is totally harmless. Your body is reacting how it should to a danger signal from your brain. Just in our case the danger isn't really real.......but the bodily reactions are. It's very scary I know, but if you spend time on this site you see you are definitely not alone.

PM me any time if you wanna chat.

28-09-08, 12:42
Hi Jade

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here. Glad you decided to join us.

Take care


28-09-08, 16:34
Hello Jade And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

28-09-08, 16:48
Hi Girls
Thankyou for your replys.
I am new to all of this, can anyone help how i can chat bout the symptoms, do you have to go on a certain forum, i need a tour of the site.lol
Love Jade

28-09-08, 17:22
ahem im not a girl lol :roflmao:

milly jones
28-09-08, 22:58
welcome to our nmp family

love milly xx :blush:

28-09-08, 23:56
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

29-09-08, 01:25
hi jade and welcome. you will get lots of support here
love debera:hugs: :hugs: