View Full Version : Do I Have MS?

28-09-08, 01:44
I'm always dizzy and I've got a pain running from my shoulder down to my little finger. It's making me feel weak and I've heard these are symptoms of MS. Please help! I'm scared!

28-09-08, 02:10
Hi panic - chill out :). The symptoms that you describe are symptoms of dozens of things other than MS. Dizziness is a common symptom of anxiety, vestibular (inner ear) disorders or infections, low blood sugar, sinus infection or inflammation, a side effect of many medications - the list goes on. Pain in your arm and finger could be poor posture, a strained muscle or tension. If you had MS your dizziness would be accompanied by a raft of other neurological symptoms. The weakness you feel is probably because you are so anxious.
A trip to the doctor should quickly put your mind at rest, but please don't worry - the chances of your symptoms being anything to do with MS are miniscule.

28-09-08, 22:30
They are also classic symptoms of a problem with you neck!! honest I have damaged spine at neck and have had dizziness and arm pain for years and years and would never believe that my neck damage could cause these but your neck muscles and bones play a big part in controlling your balance so any problem there even just tense muscles form anxiety can cause dizziness.