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28-09-08, 02:38
do citalopram make you not want go to sleep for 3 nights now i havent gone to sleep till at least 5.30ish in the morning i have hardly ate proper even though i know im starving i cant be bothered sorry for going on but its getting to me it all is i had a full blown pa last monday and almost everyday after but not big ones but i have still got the pains in my chest will they stay coz im anxious and stuff along with the burning sensation on my head oh could someone explain the breathing to me i can breath in 4 about 3 secs and im out of breath p.s i quit smoking after my 1st attack 10 weeks ago i thought it would be better for me xxxx:)

28-09-08, 07:42
Hi Emmalouise

:welcome:to the NMP forum.


28-09-08, 10:38
hi emmalouise,

Welcome to NMP.

you will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

A feeling that you are having difficult breathing is a distressing symptom. Have you tried diaphramatic breathing? It's whereby you breath in through your nose slowly (saw count to 4 or 5 as you do it), as you breathe in expand your abdomen and not your chest. Once you have breathed in, hold for a few seconds, then breathe out slowly while counting to 5 or 6 (deflating your abdomen area. Repeat several times, until you feel calmer. I hope I 've explained if clearly... i find it really helps me.

28-09-08, 12:39
Hi emmalouise

Welcome to the site, have a good look around and I am sure you will find some of the answers you are looking for.

Take care


28-09-08, 16:36
Hello Emmalouise And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

28-09-08, 18:31
Hi Emmalouise,

Citalopram did that to me, both the eating and sleeping. Eating settled down quite quickly and the sleeping had pretty much sorted itself by 3 weeks in. It imroved all the time tho, don't think you won't sleep for 3 weeks!!

28-09-08, 23:58
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Check out the medication section of the forum

Pooh xxx